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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/16 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. Southern Softness personified you are.....
    1 point
  3. My tree surgeon said to me this morning (in the broadest possible Devon accent)...... "If its got t*ts, tracks or tyres boy its going to be trouble"
    1 point
  4. Success, I challenged the quote stating that the lines down the side of the house were subject to a Wayleave and that I didn't really want them so I sent in a e-mail, politely requesting their removal: I need more details on the exact breakdown as you are talking about replacing lines as we are re-building our house too close to the lines. The lines in question that run down (and slightly over) the side of our property to a pole in our garden are subject to a Wayleave that I own. They do not supply our house but other properties (so are not my problem). If it is these wires and beyond that need replacing then that would be at your cost. I personally do not want the lines running down the garden and could (if so inclined) require them removed (removal of wayleave permission) but I am not at that stage at this point. I would be agreeable to you replacing the lines with new insulated ones which could be tied in with our re-build schedule quite easily, we get the building down you replace the lines before we start the re-build, or you could, if you so wished, re-route them down a more suitable direction. The house they feed, with one exception, are all on a different street and the others houses(later build) on that street are fed from a different direction. I have 2 copies of the wayleave (1960 and 1974) Document no 64/7184 and 64/11062 they are from the North Western Electricity Board Electricity Act of 1947, but are still in force as we receive the wayleave payment each year. The result ENWL will now pay for the diversion work and my quote has gone from 15K + VAT to 5K +VAT. Still not insignificant but a lot better.
    1 point
  5. Thanks Jeremy. You survived the garage then! Did you get your supply from a local merchant? Your black colour must have been their 'Black ash', correct? (http://www.eurocell.co.uk/homeowners/fascias-and-soffits/fascia-boards) I didn't want to have a painted woody appearance, but if it's passed your scrutiny, then I probably can't go too far wrong! Seems somewhat limited in their offerings though. I need 250mm wide vented soffit board but can only get that in black at 300mm, so I pay more and then slice off 50mm!!! I'll probably have to mix and match with other brands as long as the colour is the same.
    1 point
  6. Just thought I say hello from wet and windy Devon,finally won our planning appeal so now we can get on with the easy bit. Paul
    1 point
  7. lol I'm a Londoner
    1 point
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