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Somewhere to Live During the Build



Like all Self builders we found we had a limited number of options for living accommodation during the build, given that we needed to demolish the bungalow to clear the plot for the build.


The options were, rent locally or a caravan on site. Renting locally wasn’t an option due to the high rental costs, so we looked at the caravan option. The main problem was access, an 8 feet wide drive with a hairpin bend half way up, a dry stone wall, 80 feet tall trees and limestone outcrop put paid to that idea. A local crane company visited the site to look at the feasibility of craning the caravan over the trees, the narrowness of the road, a road closure and 4 mile diversionary routes for vehicles, a licence from the local authority soon put paid to that idea.  





Then a brief conversation with a neighbour and a lightbulb moment, we can up with the idea of a timber framed tiny house built in an orchard that formed part of the plot. The day before submission of the planning application a sketch of a small 7 x 5m cabin was added to one of the drawings. Thankfully we got planning approval.


The construction of the cabin allowed us to practice our woodworking, insulation and other construction and trade skills. This is where we currently live.




This what it looks like on a wet autumn day. Not the power cable over sailing the cabin. Happily the DNO installed taller poles to increase the clearance.


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The shed on the left is our utility shed and contains our washing machine and dryer. It’s also my workware changing room, I’m not allowed inside the cabin with my dirty cloths on! 

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That looks adorable!  I'm sure it's different when you have to fit most of your life in it, but it really does look great.  How many sq metres is the living space?

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You asked about the view, he’s one looking east towards Ingleborough and Yorkshire. This was taken from the garden, below you can just see the chimney of our closest neighbours house.



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3 hours ago, Triassic said:

You asked about the view, he’s one looking east towards Ingleborough and Yorkshire. This was taken from the garden, below you can just see the chimney of our closest neighbours house.



Can you see me on my scaffolding?

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11 hours ago, Onoff said:

Love it. Haven't you posted similar pics before?

I have, but I’ve toyed with the idea of a blog for a while. So it’s pulling previous postings into one place.

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6 minutes ago, Triassic said:

I have, but I’ve toyed with the idea of a blog for a while. So it’s pulling previous postings into one place.


I remember I think some older shots in Summer maybe taken from the right. Worth posting again probably.

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The snow picture looks idyllic! When I was building our lodge I often thought I would have been just as happy in a tiny house like this one after being so happy in the caravan. Have you started your build yet? 

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1 hour ago, iSelfBuild said:

I often thought I would have been just as happy in a tiny house 


We felt this way after living in our caravan, the house felt huge, other half still says “why do we need such a big house?”. I reply “you were there when we planned it” (her shoes and handbags were in storage! ) ?



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I knew this house would be huge for 2 people but the OH wouldn’t build a smaller one. God knows why. I have way too much ‘stuff’ for a tiny place though. 

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5 hours ago, iSelfBuild said:

Have you started your build yet? 

The basement and the raft foundation are complete and the TF has been ordered.

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On 05/05/2019 at 03:02, janelondon said:

This is very impressive! What insulation have you got in your cabin?

@janelondon the walls and roof have 145mm of Kingspan in them. Keeps the place warm in winter and cool in summer.

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2 questions if I may


1) Did you have to pay for building control for this building separately (35m2 implies BC is required)

2) From the planning point of view, what is this house? Does it contain permanent of temporary sleeping accommodation? Why did it have to be added to planning application?


We have enough space to build something similar in our garden as it looks increasingly obvious that we won't be able to stay in our house while it's been extended. Would probably become a gym eventually - if we ever manage to do any of this of course :-) 

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@oldkettleTo be honest BC only visited twice, one to look at the foundations and then when the frame was up. Their fees included the inspection of the cabin and the house.  Since then I’ve not involved them in the cabin, we just finished it and moved in. No doubt in 20, 30 or 40 years our relatives can sort of a completion certificate!


It was our architect who suggested we add the cabin to the planning application for the main house, mainly so we had something formal and to stop anyone suggesting we didn’t have permission. The description of the cabin in the planning application was vogue, we simply added a front and side elevation of the cabin in a small space on the house plans, no one questioned it. However it’s  in Band A for Council Tax purpose. Looking at the accounts it cost a grand total of £30k to build.


The cabin has a formal bedroom, a bathroom with shower and a living room with corner kitchen. Above the bedroom is a storage mezzanine, this contains a double mattress on the floor and is used by us when we have friends to stay over. 


In future it might get BC sign off and use it as a holiday let.

Edited by Triassic
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There is a SSSI within 10 feet of the cabin, I just kept a watch out for slow worms. The only issue in the eyes of the planner were bats, we had an initial bat survey, but none were found to be roosting, either in the old house, or the trees we removed to build the cabin.

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