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Overheating and other teething troubles

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5 hours ago, Nickfromwales said:

You may find an option for fan speed. If so, crank it up.  

Thanks Nick I have found a setting called 'party' ...if only.....that seems to have boosted the fan speed a lot.

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21 minutes ago, lizzie said:

Thanks Nick I have found a setting called 'party' ...if only.....that seems to have boosted the fan speed a lot.


Whats the make/model of the MVHR..?

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16 hours ago, lizzie said:

My poor dog is nearly 16 and is really struggling, fans are on him.


I'm sorry if I'm teaching granny to suck eggs, but dogs don't sweat, so fans won't help much unless you keep his coat damp.

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1 hour ago, PeterW said:

Whats the make/model of the MVHR..?

Its Frankische Profi air 250 touch. Its not been fully commissioned yet its just been set up and tested as when installer came to set up the internet was down so he couldnt complete set up and I understand designer from Robbens will come to do final commissioning......think Ive got that right!

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16 hours ago, lizzie said:

installer came to set up the internet was down so he couldnt complete set up and I understand designer from Robbens will come to do final commissioning

Why does it need the internet to be set up? And why does a designer have to come.

Sounds way too complicated for what is, after all, a domestic appliance.

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@SteamyTea it runs from hub and an via an ap. I have no idea why they have to come and check the mvhr install and the calibrations etc, part of the install service and the warranties I guess.


When he came to set up mvhr ufh and dhw we found the electrician had not completed his end...no internet connections, no timeclock and no overrun on boiler these needed to be in before handover could be done hence me being left with a temp set up as installer was going away for 2 weeks. Having spoken to installer it appears that the temp settings he left us on have been fiddled with...by whom I do not know, not me for sure......maybe electrician he is the only one who has been in plant room working since. The upshot is @Nickfromwales excellent advice has got the house habitable again and installer and supplier/designer will be here next week to finalise the commisioning and set up........as long as the electrician sorts the problems in the data cab by then so I can actually get some phone and internet!

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May help - superinsulated houses keep cool in as well as warm, so if you cool it down overnight then reduce the ventilation during the day that may help.


Here I crack our windows open overnight including roof windows it is a warm period, and then close them again before the day warms the air up too much.


We are not super insulated but it does purge some of the warmth that has built up.


This morning I had an early start so I opened our north side shaded door to get a draught going to the upstairs open windows while I was having my breakfast.


Not perfect but it all helps.




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Our MBC house didn't get above 23.5 deg C upstairs, and 22 deg C downstairs, during the recent mini heatwave, and that was without opening windows overnight. It's definitely about limiting solar gain imo - even internal blinds are far from an ideal way of blocking the sun. While purging alone works well during short periods of heat, if you get a solid week of high temps with relatively warm nights, the average temperature of the house will likely still slowly rise to uncomfortable levels over several days, even if you're conscientious about purging and using summer bypass. 


If you can figure out where the worst gain is (often east or west of south rather than south itself, due to sun angles), it may be worth looking into some sort of external screening on those windows. Trees, brise soleil, external blinds, screens with fixed or movable angled slats - anything to reduce the amount of sunlight actually entering the house. We have external blinds on some windows and they work very well. Without solar gain working against you, it's much easier to keep the temperature down over a long period just by purging overnight.


One thing I wish we'd considered is insect screens on at least the bedroom windows, which would have allowed overnight purging without letting mosquitoes in. At least one security door with screens downstairs would also have been useful to encourage stack ventilation. As I say to my wife far too often, "next house".

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@Ferdinand @jack forgive me for butting in but @lizzie will not want to be opening windows for the same reason that we don't, air quality.


Ours is not an MBC build but some would say our multifoil insulation (due to relatively poor decrement delay) would more likely overheat in a spell such as that we've had for the last week (hardly seen a cloud before this afternoon), but we've actually managed quite well. The Sageglass has been busy managing the solar gain while the MVHR (once I realised the summer bypass had been set not to open until the extract temperature exceeded 24.5C) has been doing the rest. No windows have been opened and we haven't felt the need to put the heat pump into cooling mode. 


It's been interesting looking at all the houses around us, including the equally new (but developer built) two virtually next to ours, opening all their windows in an effort to keep cool at night, while we've been very comfortable. 

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40 minutes ago, NSS said:

@Ferdinand @jack forgive me for butting in but @lizzie will not want to be opening windows for the same reason that we don't, air quality.


Ah, I forgot, thanks for the reminder. Still, all the more reason to try and get solar gain under control.


Also, these threads will likely be read by others in the future who don't have these limitations, so hopefully these thoughts will be of use to someone, some day!

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@NSS thank you. Yes whole point of this build was air quality. Feeling a benefit even in short time we have been in.....until the weather went crazy LOL


@newhome house is now stable at 22. Suppliers came out calibrate mvhr today so its all now properly  up and running and I can control from phone/ipad.  Waiting for installer to come and do the dhw and hot water set up then I can control via app. It would appear that the low settings he left it running on (pending internet connection and finishing work by electrician) have been messed up somehow (electrician perhaps) which is why everything was boiling up in the plant room. Have it under control until he comes now.


Very grateful to @Nickfromwales for his help.





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