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Chicken and egg scenario


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Self build: detached house

I have a small dilemma in installing UFH, staircase and windows and would appreciate any suggestions. I have been told that the staircase would need to be fitted before windows so that window fitters can easily carry the heavy glass upstairs. However, before fitting the staircase we need to install the UFH (insulation and liquid screed) to finish floor level. For UFH we need the house to be water tight (windows and doors fitted). What would be the best way to approach this?



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Temporary staircase, cheap prefabricated one or make it yourself. Hint, make the main flight a bit short so you can adjust the height as you build the floor level up


Edited by Bonner
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10 minutes ago, iMCaan said:



Self build: detached house

I have a small dilemma in installing UFH, staircase and windows and would appreciate any suggestions. I have been told that the staircase would need to be fitted before windows so that window fitters can easily carry the heavy glass upstairs. However, before fitting the staircase we need to install the UFH (insulation and liquid screed) to finish floor level. For UFH we need the house to be water tight (windows and doors fitted). What would be the best way to approach this?



Any scope to bring windows in via an opening on the first floor with plant or hoist on scaffold?

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Temporary staircase the way to go.  


Worth ringing up your stair case provider to see if they have anything kicking around or ripping anything out. 


As @Bonner said leave a gap at the bottom,  This was in as soon as the flooring went in upstairs. 

All the internal trades will appreciate it.  And you can wait till the last minute to put your posh stairs in.  






UFH went in when the roof was on, windows were poly'd up.

A new build down the road did their's when as soon as they were at DPC level and open to the elements.  









Edited by Blooda
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Our windows went in off a scaffold but in hindsight I wish we'd built a temporary staircase - would have made it much easier to move materials and a decent joiner could knock something up in jig time. And if you plan on carpeting or putting in a fancy tread on a shell staircase then you can make a well made one permanent. 

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