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Everything posted by DragsterDriver

  1. That’s my advice if other brands are available. i’ve been waiting weeks for a spare part they don’t carry, which is no good in an airtight house. The unit is less than a year old.
  2. the problem is everybody’s overheads are spiralling so I can’t see price reductions anytime soon. It will all balance each other. The end of red diesel is going to cause pain. oh and skips increased £20ea this week.
  3. be ruthless, there’s no love in the game. plasterboard up 15% after Xmas I’m told today, it’s already triple what I was paying pre covid.
  4. Huw Gray (old ridgeons) just completely undercut competitors by a mile on an order for me. Nobody was using them locally because of their high prices so I guess they’re drumming up trade. jewsons still much better that Travis for me.
  5. Thanks! this is his most recent wording: ”With regards to the solar PV, I usually need an MCS certificate regardless of whether it is connected to the grid or not. I am not allowed to accept just an email of how much solar there is. If an MCS is not available then I need an installation certificate form the electrician or installer which contains details of the panels, the site address and kilowatts power etc. It is not my decision, I have to submit this information in order to be able to lodge an EPC and this is the minimum evidence they will accept. ”
  6. I’m not feeding into the grid so fitted the solar with the electrician. Ready to sign the house off and the epc guy now wants an MCS certificate to do the ‘as built’ epc? any ideas?
  7. Timber prices are great- everything else still bad. Plasterboard, plastic goods etc.
  8. Bathroom has condensation on the aluminium window, is the extract not pulling enough? triple glazed window. airtight house. mvhr commissioned
  9. I hope this is correct, a couple of merchants have been using my trade name and won’t correct the invoices. They were paid with my private bank card though. felt a cold chill when I spotted it 😵
  10. Well! getting a human to visit was the answer, the openreach guy was a legend. Pulled the cable in and set up the router etc. when will these faceless organisations learn???
  11. Crikey that’s awful! oddly enough- the bt Twitter team have been pretty helpful this weekend, took my number and actually called me back!
  12. Well there is a line…and I am paying for it already you know, I don’t want to be a bore but I just wanted a human to come and look so I can explain. These faceless corporations, openreach are still blaming covid for their poor service!
  13. And a layer of dpm under the insulation. And a slip membrane above the insulation.
  14. Well! A little lie does go a long way, the kind lady tested it and said it’s crook so an engineer will come Wednesday! 👍🏼
  15. 😮 I can’t get past bt to get to openreach!
  16. Because we had a temporary in the static it reports that there is a line and a ‘takeover’- they don’t seem to be able to override this so we just keep having to cancel and send back bloody routers. It’s blowing my mind! I’ve been and bought the duct myself and installed it- i just need a human with some cable and a green Fivre optic connector!
  17. Christ. I’m having a nightmare with bt and openreach. Everytime they promise it’s sorted I get sent a router to plug in. They can’t seem to understand there is no cable 🤷🏽‍♂️ No matter how many nice ladies I speak to who promise it’s all sorted. It’s not possible to get a human out on site visit.
  18. I can have a measure- not much, the lights are pretty slimline.
  19. Hi did try to reply but buildhub was playing up for me? they're Aurora fittings. Au-MPROTL ip65
  20. Yes but like everything these days you need to explain several times what’s required.
  21. I guess I can be brave and try a clear advert stating professional collection but jeez- I’ve had some horrors selling stuff online. maybe I attract them 🤷🏽‍♂️
  22. they skimmed them straight in, no scrim tape
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