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SteamyTea last won the day on May 4

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  1. Chip shops (restaurants in general) I know about. The noise level is totally different, as are the tonnage shifted. Most ASHPs are very quiet. Badly set up ones, or damaged ones can cause problems.
  2. Right. It is not going to rain for a few days. So you may as well take the downpipe off and check for blockages and leaky joints. When it is down, look for signs that water has gone onto the wall. An easy job to do in the evening.
  3. Basically because you do not have enough air in the house, so it would have to draw cold air in from outside. To put some numbers to it. A m3 of air has a mass of 1.25 kg. The specific heat capacity is 1 kJ.kg-1.K-1 There are 3,600 kJ in a kWh. So to extract 1 kWh out of your house air you need to shift 4,500 kg (4.5 tonnes) of air for a 1K temperature drop across the ASHP.
  4. If you have an insulated slab/raft with UFH pipework in it, what stops the over enthusiastic worker damaging either with their vibrating poker?
  5. Temperature is a measure of mean, free path, molecular velocity. Sound a mouthful, but it is just the average we measure. When something is heated up, some molecules will travel, or vibrate, slower, while others will travel or vibrate faster. Those faster ones are at a higher temperature than the slower ones, with the bulk, being in the middle. So while the heat source may be set to 52°C, there will be times it is a bit higher, and times it is a little cooler. That is before density change is taken into account. Though with a UVC this is not so important compared to a vented cylinders.
  6. That crossed my mind. But was thinking more about how the school/college/university staff view it.
  7. First things first, what are the U-Values below the UFH pipework? Especially the ground floor.
  8. I used to work at the RNIB, very few companies follow the 'Right to read' protocols. It is a shame as they are simple to follow and implement. But try getting even a basic website like this to one do a very simple change has proved to be impossible, even before it went live. Ain't that right @ToughButterCup.
  9. Won't matter, Putin is doing 'an exercise' with this tactical nukes'.
  10. Trump's could resign on mass, @Pocster's can't as they are blackmailled.
  11. Kind of, but not really. Composites are complex structures and different 'mixes' are often used to get different characteristics, I suspect concrete mixes are similar. One thing that additives can do is change the curing rates, and who the curing takes place i.e. cure from the middle outwards or cure from outward to the middle. It is very hard to get an even cure though the whole material at the same time. But yes, we are going off topic a bit, but it does highlight that 'concrete' is not a simple product that can be just used without regard to seeing how it fits into the whole.
  12. You are going to end up sharing a cell with Trump. "Gagging Order 2"
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