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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/19 in all areas

  1. Yes... ... and NO..!! Break your costs down by stage, add 15% contingency to each, and then list them by approximate month. You cannot tie yourself to dates ..! Usual ones are - Site clearance and services - Foundations - Wallplate (inc any floors) - Watertight (so roof and windows) - First Fix - Board and plaster - Second Fix Give yourself plenty of leeway for bad weather etc
    2 points
  2. First laid old shuttering ply and whatever I could find until watertight and then laid loose chip board until I was ready to insulate. Floor down now and stud work for room division to be done next. All services and joist centres marked on floor surface to prevent and accidents.
    1 point
  3. I put up a vcl under my floor joists and then two layers of normal plaster board ......... and then another of acoustic plasterboard ! I then from above put in 3 layers of insulation with various acoustic properties and left a 50mm air gap between the top of the insulation and the 22mm chip board flooring which was glued and screwed. The plasterboard joints were all sealed with acoustic mastic and all laid with off set joints. I still have final floor coverings to add and the stairs to build so can’t comment on how it’s going to perform but feel I have done enough ! Once the stairs are in and various doors installed I will be able to see how it works and then add additional soundproofing on top of the chip board if required.
    1 point
  4. Totally agree. These pumps are stupidly expensive and I will be formally escalating this matter with a complaint. It’s just not good enough.
    1 point
  5. Me too. And there are no answers forthcoming - might have to escalate the matter next week.
    1 point
  6. Thanks @pocster!! This is exactly what i want to understand. Are self-builders fully aware of the risks they have taken..
    1 point
  7. I just produced a spreadsheet with tabs in build order for each aspect of the build and a breakdown of estimated costs and actual costs for each tab.
    1 point
  8. Timely topic as I'm doing mine now. I got all my rebar cut and bent for about £580. There is no way in a million years I'd want to bend it myself. There are about 850 rings, then all the long lengths. Whats taking me forever is wiring it up - about 4-5 days so far. Now off to do some more now.
    1 point
  9. I just ordered all my rebar and the guy told me bending bars made no difference to the price. They do it all by weight, so I assume the machine (I've seen one in operation only once) does all the cutting and bending in one go. So worth checking with your supplier before you buy that and kill yourself for nothing lol
    1 point
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