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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/16 in all areas

  1. I have completed the connection of Geberit to MVHR, so here is the detail FYI. There seemed to be interest in the JSH and PeterW versions. Plasterboarding and second fix is delayed, so the fans are not yet functioning, so the ventilation performance is as yet unconfirmed. Geberit model #111.353.00.5 has a Y-branch for extraction of air[smells]. I removed the translucent plastic duct [part of the Geberit] attached to the Y, cut off and Siga taped up the end that linked to the top of the water tank. Into the Y was inserted an adapter from 50mm Euro to 1.5" UK [RHS: the most expensive piece of kit in the house @ £12 for a short piece of tube that was 50mm ext and 43mm int diam], followed by two UK reducers. This led via various slow bends through the house in 32mm waste pipe to near the MVHR unit, where it was connected into the standard radial ventilation pipe. 32mm waste pipe was used as it fitted within the service void and was generally unobtrusive and easy to slip in. I did not see that a large diameter pipe was necessary, nor would it have been easy to fit another 75mm pipe in. http://www.sanifix.co.uk/conversion_fittings.html Connection to the ventilation pipe was via 50-43mm and 43-32mm reducers [white] and a 50-82mm reducer [grey], which fitted neatly into the ventilation pipe with a rubber sealer ring. Any questions please ask.
    1 point
  2. If you want your project, whether it be a self build or any project else to be a failure, then this is most certainly the right way to go about it. You are not wrong, but in my experience in prpjects over the years, the input of everyone is valuable, essential, and should never be ignored or discounted without proper consideration. IN fact, the input of the person with the least expertise in a subject often has the best perspective and should be listened to the most.
    1 point
  3. Well I have decided to sheet the inside of all walls ( to give access to cable/plumb) and lay floors upstairs but not the downstairs ceilings so I can plumb the bathrooms from below ( more important to get holes in the floors correct for pipes etc and levels for flows) Ceilings can be put up after, just MVHR terminals and ceiling lights to get right .
    1 point
  4. Just a clay brick recipe I found. Interesting about how to test the clay: http://www.brighthub.com/environment/green-living/articles/45788.aspx Just wondering ref the letters, would you maybe stick them to the bottom of the mould, push your clay in then turn the brick out of the mould? Looking forward to the video!
    1 point
  5. I've emailed him, just thought I'd ask here anyway - just making eye-contact with the SE costs £65... His drawings only mentioned the purlin size, not the location of any joints.
    1 point
  6. Stick to your guns on this one, would be my answer. A year after moving in I can still see every compromise and imperfection in our house. I wish I'd stood up and demanded better in some cases.
    1 point
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