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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/16 in all areas

  1. I would like to try building one just for the experience but they are not everyone's cup of tea.
    2 points
  2. Just a few new photos of current progress. Tanking was completed and polished concrete slab finished at 2am on a Friday night a few weeks ago. Which meant standard house construction could finally begin. Things have progressed well with no major snags at this stage, up to first floor level now ready for block and beams delivery on Monday. The Steels that arrived were a fair bit more substantial than we were expecting. Lots of fiddly work at this stage but after the 1st floor is in place I'm hoping progress will really ramp up. Roof trusses are ordered for delivery on 4/12/16 so currently still on track to be some form of watertight by Christmas. Large Velfac sliding doors that are going on to the balcony won't be delivered until w/c 9/1/17 so full watertight won't be until then.
    1 point
  3. Only now catching up on your "bog mini-blog" ?? You ever watch "Fast 'n' Loud"....? Change the 'beer assistant' for a 'bog-roll assistant' maybe? ?
    1 point
  4. There was I thinking I was the only one......that thought the inevitable harness while operating at height would get the way. It's the way those carabiner jaws can nip your cheeky bits when (and where) you least expect it.
    1 point
  5. All the soffits on each dormer need redoing anyway. I'd like to angle the flat roofs up to just under ridge tile tbh.
    1 point
  6. When I was designing my new build I initially wanted dormers ( cute!) but insulation is an issue purely because of the thickness required and the cheeks can look very chunky. I do however believe ( like most) that air tightness is more important once a reasonable level of insulation is reached.
    1 point
  7. Let @Rogerthedog fly the thing I say, he seems to know where he's going round the site better than anyone!
    1 point
  8. And you will need an FCU, isolation switch and waterproof cover for that LED. If you keep the Loo Rolls in the fridge, the internet-fridge can autotell Tesco to send some more.
    1 point
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