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  1. Both our plumber and electrician independently included an allowance to supply of these items with the electrician to fit - something to watch, it's a common overlap. I sourced UFH stats and wiring centre myself from Boulder and got them both to remove that item from their quotes - electrician obviously fitted them. Also sourced the electric UFH kit from ebay and stats from the UFH super store. Our electrician quoted using the allowance per socket, downlighter etc method which aggregates the first and second fix labour and materials. Makes it easy to understand and budget accordingly. We only had one trade on a day rate - the joiner, probably the only area of the build where we really underestimated (and under budgeted) the labour and materials required. We first had him quote with others to box in services (post first fix) and put in door linings and pocket door systems. He then returned to ply the ground floor in prep for resin and then do the skirting and architrave (totally forgot to budget for that!) build some cupboards and then finally hang the doors plus box in around Ikea wardrobes we'd assembled. Some days he'd rip through the work, on others you would not see a lot of progress but he was always busy. There is a temptation to criticise on those days but then you'd see that he'd spent a few hours making a custom jig to speed up the subsequent door hanging or prototyped how the splay head doors would meet the lining and avoid a potential problem so you have to take it in the round. We should probably have been more organised and had a more detailed scope of work for him to quote against, that said he helped me out many times with jobs such as fitting the shower screens, helping the plumbers remove a sink and cabinet welded to the wall with SikaFlex etc and it would have been unfair to expect those extras from a fixed price job.
    1 point
  2. I estimate (never quote) on the basis of 1 hour labour per "point" where a point is a socket, light switch, light fitting etc. I have not gone over an hour per point yet and usually it's under. Just to give an example I am wiring a house at the moment that has about 165 points, and it has taken 50 hours to first fix it so far. So if you work on an hour per point at whatever the hourly rate for labour is where you are, you won't be far wrong on the labour element of the job. Materials can vary a lot more depending on what you want (i.e you can spend anything between £1 and £10 on a humble 13A socket) As I said I avoid quotes. If I was forced to quote, I would have to price it higher to allow for unforeseen difficulties, and then every time the customer changed their mind, added another socket or light fitting I would have to formally vary the quote. Instead I am open and honest about my hourly rate and give an estimate of the length of the job. If the customer wants to change things (they always do) then it's just an informal chat how much it is likely to cost. Some people refuse estimates and an hourly rate, they think the tradesman will sit on his but while charging you the hourly rate. That comes down to trust and the reputation of the tradesman whether you think he will earn his hours paid, or skive just to drag the job out.
    1 point
  3. I have grown up with the Internet. if it walks like a duck...
    1 point
  4. The filters in our last unit were simply cut from large sheets of filter media which you could buy per metre online (rather than pre-cut from the manufacturer at 10 times the price). http://www.justfans.co.uk/synthetic-air-filter-media-1000mm-1000mm-p-642.html?gclid=CJr1ha7yqMACFRDItAodxz0AHQ&osCsid=5tri9fcf5dksj8l7uc5gfddt84 The unit we have bought for the new house (Vent Axia) has the filter media enclosing a metal frame, but my good lady has already indicated she'll be able to sew a piece of filter media to fit round the frame as and when it requires replacement. This company came up as a source for reasonably priced filters on ebuild http://www.jfilters.com/
    1 point
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