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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/16 in all areas

  1. Yes, AND the instant answers to problems I have never faced before.
    3 points
  2. So timber frame guys left 10 days ago and we are making the most of the unusual Devon warmth, well on the way with roof and block good to see it coming on so well especially walking around site on a beautiful evening like today. still lots to think about got a guy coming to discuss comcrete floor options tomorrow and external walls are being insulated on Wednesday then plumbing first fix and a hundred things we havent thought of yet im sure!!!!
    1 point
  3. You have all the major work beat now so line up the next trades and knock the jobs of one by one. Take your time with each trade explaining how important it is you don't want 100mm holes in the walls before they start. Holes in walls are the last resort not first.
    1 point
  4. School holidays start Thursday, expect rain.
    1 point
  5. You'll be meaning neutral not "neg".....and line not "live" if being pedantic! Not if you want to be legit and comply. BCO likely won't be impressed either. The reel could be 20 years old already. If I were you I'd sell it on eBay. You'll be able to get enough back to buy a reel in new colours and have cash left over!
    1 point
  6. Those hundred things you haven't thought of yet can wait a bit. While you take pleasure in what you've achieved. Well done. Me? I'm off to get the washing out, the salad picked, the dogs de-fleaed, Sid wormed, the gates taken off, the TAF ready for another night of newts, the door lintel pinned so the next postie doesn't lose his toes, the HERAS up and secured, the soup ready for when @MrsRA gets back (her pipe and slippers by the fireside, the Guardian ironed and laid out where she likes it, the gin on ice and a few cheques for her to sign ). And there's you basking in Devon sunshine. Lovely.
    1 point
  7. 2. Faliure is not an option. Can you nail said Eco-nugget to that gate and THEN put the £50 sign on it?
    1 point
  8. Dragging it back to the problem...... you could do worse than: thoroughly clean both surfaces. grind some v shaped groves in both faces. bond it with a stone resin glue. Tenax is a good product and stands up fairly well. There are some better products but not so easily sourced. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/131323847075 Ideally though those stainless rods I mentioned earlier should be included to provide strength. if you want a more "traditional repair then once bonded. Very carefully v out the cracked join and fill with mortar.
    1 point
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