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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/16 in all areas

  1. Another small update as the contractors prepare for their July break. The plasterers have finished all but one wall inside and the kitchen has been completed. We've gone for a slightly different finish in this room, in keeping with the concept that it would have been a converted outbuilding. PV production remains fairly steady and we've almost reached 2000 exported units. All of the door furniture has been fitted to the garage doors and once the ground levels have been raised it should help to settle the building into its surroundings.
    2 points
  2. We brought everything from our local independant bathroom shop and I am glad that we did they were absolutely brilliant, they helped us with all the designs and made us realise why the ones that we had dreamt up wouldn't work, they matched the lowest internet prices without us forcing for a discount, stored it all for us and have been brilliant with faults or us loosing bits (fast flow shower wastes) replacing them free of charge and delivering all the bulky items as and when we needed them.
    1 point
  3. We'll be extra careful about boundaries and will certainly keep a close eye on the solicitors, but in this case the new boundary should be very easily defined. Also, both us and our inlaws have gone through searches etc for both properties as part of their respective purchases over the last few years, so I'm hopeful there shouldn't be much to go wrong.
    1 point
  4. I used rigid 125mm plastic ducting for my MHRV. Where it went through the outside wall I just left about 200mm sticking out and put a cover over it. I did buy a 125mm 90 degree cowl but found out it reduced air flow too much. So I made a wood frame and found a vent cover with a flow area greater than the area of the 125mm duct and fitted that. It's 300mm square.
    1 point
  5. Not sure if I have a picture of her scanned onto the PC. Or you just after looking at a 1970's 17 year old
    1 point
  6. Its via Buildsafe for the warranty. Height will be on the elevations, and it won't usually be marked ! What happens is they put the scale at a printed page size on the plans (1:50 at A3 etc) and then you just use a scale rule to read it off. If you use 2.4m for ceiling, and 250mm per floor depth, for the purposes of estimating you won't be far out.
    1 point
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