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i have just got my FINAL quote for service connections


Water is expensive .....full of zonal charges and this that and the other ..

with me digging the trench on own land it still is over £2000 (but we were told to expect that last year)


Gas is not too bad ...again I am digging the trench and it is coming in at £800


I just got my electric one from WPD and i nearly FELL Over ....its almost £2500 notes !

I mean all they have to do is connect 1m (yes under 4 foot) on the pavement ...same as gas 

and then flop an armoured cable in my waiting trench


I have notices the "quote" is full of the term "contestable charge" ....i take it that means i can haggle.

...well I have already tried that today and got the old "frozen scapula" thrust at me ...


Am i getting done here? ....big time?? ...or does everyone on newbuilds get a Shock with electric ..(see what i did there?)


I think i will have a cold bath in Flash Floor Cleaner ...just handling that quote has left me feeling financially abused
and fiscally molested








My electric was 7k - It is what it is, suck it up and move on.


Service costs vary wildly from plot to plot so it's difficult to compare apples with apples and see if you are being charged fairly.


For me:


Elec 7k

Sewerage 4k

Water 1.2k


It is what it is - you need them, so pay the piper.


I’m dreading this. 


Your electricity quote is ridiculous. 


I’m not planning on having a gas connection. 

2 minutes ago, LA3222 said:

My electric was 7k - It is what it is, suck it up and move on.


Service costs vary wildly from plot to plot so it's difficult to compare apples with apples and see if you are being charged fairly.


For me:


Elec 7k

Sewerage 4k

Water 1.2k


It is what it is - you need them, so pay the piper.


£7k for electric!


Did you build in the middle of a field?

1 minute ago, K78 said:

I’m dreading this. 


Your electricity quote is ridiculous. 


I’m not planning on having a gas connection. 


maybe they want us all to put windmills up 

in the back garden ....

Just now, Ed_MK said:


maybe they want us all to put windmills up 

in the back garden ....


Ill get the Mrs to peddle a cycle powered generator :)


I think that’s not too bad tbh. Certainly way less than many. Do they give you an indicative charge from their website? If so and it’s any more than that given your perception of simplicity then I would go back and say ‘why more expensive than the indicative quote’. Other than that pay and move on. 


Agree with above. Does not seem that bad.


I don't think £7k is ridiculous, often people are quoted much more.


If you buy a site and it has been sold to you as having services then you could feel ripped off.


If services are far away I would expect the plot costs to be reduced. 


i suppose ....

its just getting near the end and finances are thin ..scratch that they are anorexic.



still cant work out who supplies and fits the meters

2 hours ago, Ed_MK said:

still cant work out who supplies and fits the meters


Choose who you want to supply and get them to do it. You should also decide whether you want economy 7 or whatever. Might be better to go with one of the larger suppliers and then swap once the connection is up and running. 


Oh and contestable charges are the bits a qualified electrician could do but they might need to be inspected. 





As mentioned I consider 7k as middle of the road.  Some get it cheaper, some more expensive.


A new 70m service cable was installed for my connection.  iirc my share was 6% of the total cost.


It is what it is.  Suck it up and move on to the next battle!


Our electricity connection was £636. We laid the ducting, with a couple of hockey sticks, from the pole in the orchard, at the corner of the garden, to the meter cupboard which was 17m. We fitted a draw cord. For the £636 they supplied the cable, pulled it through the duct, and connected both ends.

47 minutes ago, PeterStarck said:

Our electricity connection was £636. We laid the ducting, with a couple of hockey sticks, from the pole in the orchard, at the corner of the garden, to the meter cupboard which was 17m. We fitted a draw cord. For the £636 they supplied the cable, pulled it through the duct, and connected both ends.

Very cheap how do they excavate the hole to existing cable for that with all overheads

3 hours ago, Oz07 said:

Very cheap how do they excavate the hole to existing cable for that with all overheads

As Ed said there was no excavation required by UKPN. I took the ducting up to the base of the pole and they connected at the top of the pole.


a lot of mine looks to be in the "joining" ....apparently as its over 40 metres it needs a "joint" ...not quite sure what for ...but that has put £700 in that price

its the dearest joint i ever bought !



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