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Help with kitchen renovation/ 1st house.

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25 minutes ago, zoothorn said:

not easy at all to live like so.


Lol, trying to live in chaos when you are self building is never fun and generally goes with the territory. Washing up bowl, boiled kettles etc. It’s like camping, but a good motivator to get things sorted ASAP. 

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Top tip, fill the kettle, water filter up etc BEFORE you disconnect the plumbing!


You could......temporarily extend your plumbing and waste pipes and put the sink in "the middle " of the room and work round it. No incentive to get it done though then! :)

  • Haha 1
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I know what you mean newhome.. but that's fine if you know what you're doing/ have a plan for the next day, next etc & roughly can follow. But I'm in a different boat. I've never done any of this before. Each thing I thought relatively simple is instead a major headache.. the plumbing under the sink I cannot guage the size, therefore what needs replacing/ where to cut, & replace with what as all these recommended bits are new to me.


Or the hob I thought a breeze to replace for a bit of progress/ relief from a week out of action staring at all this yet to do- is instead a total fkn n'mare: the new hob's 3" deeper than old. So only way to fit is to remove oven & sit it down way over an inch with gaps galore above & below, then how to.. seems only viable by taking the whole 3-unit thing apart & reconstructing. Ive given up & put old hob back in. Its becoming depressing & getting way on top of me, esp having to cut my ext cable now.

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Screwfix order ...

pair of pushfit Hep2O 15mm isolators

Pair of tectite 1/2” to 15mm adapters

pair of Hep2O elbows

couple of Hep2O connectors. 

2m of copper 15mm pipe


with that lot you can remove the old unit and isolate the supplies, shift the pipework to where it’s easy to work on and then reconnect it all. 


I haven’t got a photo but I’ve just moved a sink tap connection to the right of the bowl so it’s easier to work on - better than having to reach up behind sinks !



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3 minutes ago, zoothorn said:

I know what you mean newhome.. but that's fine if you know what you're doing/ have a plan for the next day, next etc & roughly can follow. But I'm in a different boat. I've never done any of this before. Each thing I thought relatively simple is instead a major headache.. the plumbing under the sink I cannot guage the size, therefore what needs replacing/ where to cut, & replace with what as all these recommended bits are new to me.


Or the hob I thought a breeze to replace for a bit of progress/ relief from a week out of action staring at all this yet to do- is instead a total fkn n'mare: the new hob's 3" deeper than old. So only way to fit is to remove oven & sit it down way over an inch with gaps galore above & below, then how to.. seems only viable by taking the whole 3-unit thing apart & reconstructing. Ive given up & put old hob back in. Its becoming depressing & getting way on top of me, esp having to cut my ext cable now.


So you take decent photos to show what you've got and you post up on here for help without all the how much it's depressing you crap. You need to see a doctor for that not us! :) The odd wobble people will handle and sympathise but when it's constant they'll just switch off and think you're a nutter!


I've done most things I now ask about but years ago and in all honesty not too well. If you ask on here you are drawing on a wealth of experience given freely. Do it once, do it right or as near as dammit. When half a dozen people are telling you the same thing the issue is you not them.


All the dressing and moaning risks takes this seriously off topic.


You could have the old sink balancing on "a workmate" for what it's worth or some lash up out of scrap batten and still use it without the kitchen units having to be in place. To shift the sink you just isolate, detach with the Hep2O tool, unscrew the waste and move out of the way. YES you will lose a bit of water each time.





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Onoff. I'm recovering form surgery/ in much pain again, I have 2 pairs of neihbours either side of me, ganging up on me on a dialy basis I am having to cope with, faeces etc/ that bad, & my work's dried up to a serious degree. Its not 'ooh Im depressed a bit'. I'm facing major challenges at the moment, & when it seems a few of you are ganging up on me too.. yes it tips me over into it becoming slightly depressing. OK?

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1 minute ago, zoothorn said:

Onoff. I'm recovering form surgery/ in much pain again, I have 2 pairs of neihbours either side of me, ganging up on me on a dialy basis I am having to cope with, faeces etc/ that bad, & my work's dried up to a serious degree. Its not 'ooh Im depressed a bit'. I'm facing major challenges at the moment, & when it seems a few of you are ganging up on me too.. yes it tips me over into it becoming slightly depressing. OK?


Not at all. It's just that we too have our own lives to live. Although it might have been best not to have started this (and I'm beginning to wish you hadn't) you need to finish this. Charge that camera, take the pictures and try and not keep questioning good advice...is my advice.


Seriously have you thought about moving?

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Believe me @zoothorn I have been thrown into the world of DIY kicking and screaming. I never intended, envisaged or wanted to do it but sometimes needs must. I’ve spent hours staring at a bloody wall hung cistern (work of the devil those things) wanting to smash it with a hammer mostly. Slowly I’m getting to grips with it though and I can now get the plates off and back on again in 10 mins. Took bloody ages to start with so there is light at the end of the tunnel. And believe me you are more adept at this stuff than me. 

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I think most of us have been in that place more than once.  For those of us that have spent years getting to grips with DIY or self-build I think we sometimes might forget that we were probably all pretty lacking in knowledge and skills once, screwed a lot of things up and got extremely angry at times. 


My wife still regales me of the time when I decided to install a central heating system in a fairly new house we'd bought in Scotland in 1993.  I decided it would be neater if I ran all the pipes in the 2ft high crawl space under the ground floor, accessed via two hatches in the floor above, as it was in two sections.  I'd assumed it would be easy, but the combination of my lack of plumbing skills, having to work flat on my back and shuffle around, whilst trying to run pipes, make connections etc, all the time being showered with fibreglass underfloor insulation, which was just suspended under the floor by netting, did cause more than the odd flurry of expletives.  She didn't know that I either swore or got very angry until then...

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This is my 1st ever house onoff. I have waited 25 years of scrimp/ houses getting farther away.. etc to -finally- be just able to get a small 2 bed house, far away from family/ friends, which had to be in the state its in in order to have afforded it. I have been here 2 years. Have I thought about moving? not one iota. Not one iota even having been bullied by neighbours from the very 1st day I moved in.


A house after so much trying & time, & years of hopelessness thinking about never being able to get on the fkn property ladder in the UK.. isn't merely just a house: its FAR more than that. THAT'S why I can (mostly) cope with the sh*t Ive had to face (literally). I don't think you understand what its been like for those of my generation.

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1 hour ago, PeterW said:



Screwfix order ...

pair of pushfit Hep2O 15mm isolators

Pair of tectite 1/2” to 15mm adapters

pair of Hep2O elbows

couple of Hep2O connectors. 

2m of copper 15mm pipe


with that lot you can remove the old unit and isolate the supplies, shift the pipework to where it’s easy to work on and then reconnect it all. 


I haven’t got a photo but I’ve just moved a sink tap connection to the right of the bowl so it’s easier to work on - better than having to reach up behind sinks !




Understood. There is decent plumbing underneath ~spot on where the new tap will be tho. Its just a Q of guaging where to cut & doing it right the 1st time maybe, if going with what's there. I'm not sure how the PB goes onto this area tho so maybe your idea is best with this in mind.


I'll weigh it up tmrw once I stick a pic up. I need a break- & I haven't done anything! Aprreciated.

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You said you need a 35mm hole in the new sink?


You'll need this:




& a suitable arbor for it to go on:




If you're flush then Bosch Progressor hole saw sets are superb and quick change too. The 14-piece set includes a 35mm I think. 


What's your new sink made out of?

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25 minutes ago, zoothorn said:

New tap will be almost smack in line with old one..





Not wishing to rain on your parade but that pipework is a little green...


I would clean the pipes up level with that waste trap with some fine wet and dry and then when they are clean I would cut them off and put the isolators on. Then rebuild with clean pipe and a couple of elbows. 

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Onoff its a composite fancy Franke. Couldn't the 35mm hole be made by a series of HSS 3mm holes/ hacksaw blade? I was concerned I was gonna have to go for one of those cutters, & an arbor too then.. they look scary (& £12 for 1 cut Im ever gonna use it for too!)

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11 minutes ago, PeterW said:


Not wishing to rain on your parade but that pipework is a little green...


I would clean the pipes up level with that waste trap with some fine wet and dry and then when they are clean I would cut them off and put the isolators on. Then rebuild with clean pipe and a couple of elbows. 


The waste trap being.. the bottom of the 'U'? not just after where they go sideways? can hs20 type isolators have an elbow in, or are we talking 2 units separated by copper pipe (or 3 units if 2 elbows + an isolator valve/ per side?). I was hoping it would be simpler tbh. I can't quite follow/ picture what the idea is.

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6 minutes ago, zoothorn said:

Onoff its a composite fancy Franke. Couldn't the 35mm hole be made by a series of HSS 3mm holes/ hacksaw blade? I was concerned I was gonna have to go for one of those cutters, & an arbor too then.. they look scary (& £12 for 1 cut Im ever gonna use it for too!)


Yes you could do it that way if you have the patience. Scribe a line nom 32m dia. Run round with a centre punch on the line at about 3mm between each one. Drill all your 3mm holes assuming the drill doesn't slip into the adjacent hole. Then curse like f**k that HSS doesn't really like drilling st/st - HsCo is what you want. You will struggle to get a hacksaw in there but by all means try. You'll need to "worry" the piece out of there. Good luck with that. Then a half round file to make good. What a balls ache!


I can do no more than tell you the right way to do something. 


DO NOT be tempted to buy this sort:




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Godamm hole.. I don't have the twatty green thing to knock thru, or a 35mm started already circle on it so I get the idea of the clip, but really this should not be something I have to do, I should be able to buy either a bowl L or R, with a hole in. its a ripoff I think. Ok will ponder what to do.

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5 minutes ago, zoothorn said:

Godamm hole.. I don't have the twatty green thing to knock thru, or a 35mm started already circle on it so I get the idea of the clip, but really this should not be something I have to do, I should be able to buy either a bowl L or R, with a hole in. its a ripoff I think. Ok will ponder what to do.


Again, what is the sink made of?


EDIT: Sorry just read "composite fancy Franke"

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Actually the clip is for a granite sink, not tectonite (typo (no hang on you've added another clip! thanks newhome).


Just seems like very hard plastic to me. Its got a tiny hole where centre is.. thanks alot Franke.

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