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Joist shims


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I believe you can notch the bottom of the joist so start with the lowest hanger.. or is this only to stop the hanger making the plasterboard dip at the edges?





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Just now, markc said:

You shouldn’t shim but it often happens. If these are not ground floor then packing puts the tops level but makes boarding the underside a real P.I.T.A.

I had to after we kicked Builders off site and took it on myself. I had to get tops level. Used plastic packers and nail through bottom hole to keep em in

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I had your problem @Moonshine, in spades. maximum error, in places,  somewhat over 20mm laterally, and a few mm vertically.  I talked to the joist manufacturers , Cheshire Roof Trusses,  Cullens and our SE: sent them all the gory photographic detail. BH advice was also a great help. 


Cullens  sent me back detailed drawings of what I could do, talked to me on the phone  very reassuring indeed.  No charge.

Have a laugh about our joists on me  (FOC)

Edited by ToughButterCup
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  • 2 months later...

I know this is probably sorted but my bc rejected the brick and slate packers that had been put in as he said the can crumble and we needed to use metal or timber shims.


May just be his opinion but what they say goes!

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