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Everything posted by ETC

  1. Leave it as it is but put doors from each bedroom into a single rear en-suite to be shared by both bedrooms.
  2. Do not use PIR or polystyrene in an intermediate floor above a garage. You will not get the fire resistance you need. Speak to your local Gypsum rep who will give you a specification for a floor build up that gives you the fire resistance and good thermal resistance.
  3. https://glidevaleprotect.com/app/uploads/2023/03/BS5250-white-paper_FINALAPPROVED_March-2023.pdf
  4. Vent tiles are no good for a roof where the insulation is placed between the rafters - the tile vent will only vent the space that it has been installed in. You should have had a continuous eaves ventilator installed. You really should have ventilated the ridge as well.
  5. Not sure how the google image got BC approval - too much unprotected wall on a boundary.
  6. Brickies with proper training and experience under supervision and with work inspected. As I was told recently “I’m building not buying it” !!
  7. There are Architects and there are those who think they are. I see drawings every single day that most should be thoroughly ashamed of - by both architects and by those who think they are.
  8. I haven’t met a tradesman yet that I would trust to do a good job without supervision or knew what they should be doing. Dirty cavities, wall ties sloping out, cavity barriers not installed properly, cut trusses with no support, ICs put in back to front, boiler flues too close to windows, oil tanks too close to buildings or boundaries - I could go on - and these people think they’re experts - Christ!
  9. I wouldn’t trust a brickie on a priced job to sit the right way on a toilet never mind install cavity wall insulation properly.
  10. Needs good workmanship. Not always achievable.
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