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  1. Go back and check what they need. I presume this is registration for rates. The construction stage you are at will have been flagged up to LPS by BC during the course of their inspections - normally 6 months before the anticipated completion of the works - but I doubt you have to be complete for a certain dates.
  2. Post the plans and the other existing and proposed elevations. The only reason I can see for the request for a flat roof is to distinguish the existing from the proposed - a bit of a shit request really and as for the window why on earth are they getting their knickers in a twist about a single existing window - madness.
  3. It’s internal in a heated space. Why do you want to insulate it?
  4. Feel free to read both my posts properly.
  5. I would either try and clean the brick again or consider clay tile cladding.
  6. Tell your neighbour to move his soil away from your building and into his own property. I can see a situation where your neighbour extends their garden the 100mm into your property and up against your extension so that over time the extension wall becomes the boundary. Nip this on the bud now.
  7. Dig foundations into virgin ground. Build up sub-floor blockwork to height you want. Fill inside and outside with good clean fill well compacted. Form precast or reinforced sub-floor.
  8. Windpost at the corner. Ask your SE for a detail.
  9. YOUR QS will definitely arrive at a lower figure - that’s what he’s paid to do.
  10. Looks very nice - my only concern would be the timber cladding and getting rubbish downstairs and groceries upstairs.
  11. Errr…..yes they will if you pay them.
  12. Drill holes through the slabs or joints - let the water drain through;)
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