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Happy Valley

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Happy Valley last won the day on January 19 2023

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  • About Me
    Trained as a Yacht & Boatyard Manager - lived on the South Coast for 10 years selling and sailing yachts. Moved back oop North in 1996 and worked in property ever since, currently advising and sourcing residential investments for clients in the NW. Enjoy sailing (when I can), walking the dog in the hills and back via a local real ale pub. New build virgin!!
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  1. Yes that's the one I want to avoid, don't mind it falling into the standard rate for a while. I think I will run it for a 24 hour timed period and see what happens whilst it is still relatively mild and see if it keeps on doing the same.
  2. Thanks for the response. Yes there is an overriding thermostat which I ensured was lower than the actual temp (set at 20 when the room was 21.5). Am aware that the pump will need to be used more than 8 hours deeper into the winter. Just didn't want it running during the peak cost period.
  3. We have recently moved over to Octupus Cosy and the plan is to run the heating fairly hard for the 3 cheap sessions which total 8 hours initially then add more if necessary but not within the 3 hour peak of 1600 to 1900 hours. I tested the system yesterday having changed the heater timings to 0400 to 0700, 1300 to 1600 and 2200 to 2400 hrs. I was surprised that the fan on the ASHP was still going at 1700 hours drawing electricity at the peak rate. The timer had worked correctly and the status on the FTC controller was a square which I believe equates to "stand by". The pump had been heating for a four hours prior to 1600hrs. Question: Is there anyway to turn it off stand by to off at 1600 and not draw on the expensive rate without taking the system off timed?
  4. As per the title. Are there any recommendations preferably also stopping future growth? Thanks.
  5. After 18 months and two winters it's time to have the Ecodan 8.5kW serviced by a recommended engineer. Trying to a grasp of roughly what the cost is likely to be please.
  6. We have a well insulated 160 sq m house with an Ecodan 8.5kW ASHP. Cost was £10000 less the then £5000 govt grant for the supply and fit of the heat pump a 210 litre hot water tank, buffer tank plus all the associated pipework towards the manifolds. This was fitted in Sept 2022.
  7. Yep it sits directly onto caberboard or screed. There is a lot of insulation between the floors but some noise does permeate down. Doesn't bother us as we have an unconventional layout.
  8. Too late - already sold one of ours. The EPC was not the only reason as managed to get it through before the CGT allowance changes in April. This govt and others have been targeting Landlords as the reason for poor property supply to the nation. Complete nonsense as we all know it's the lack of new build homes that is the problem.
  9. We have an ASHP which cost around £10000 to install including the hot water tank. £5000 came back in the form of govt grant. The house is new and fairly airtight. We didn't want gas as was uncertain as to it's long term future and the possibility of changing the boiler for a new hybrid one. Also gas boilers generally have a poor reliability record, are expensive to fix and rarely last more than 10 years in our experience. We have no gas which means we save on the daily standing charge which in our area is £0.30 per day or £110 a year.
  10. I'd like to see the figure for 2022. This has only really started gaining momentum very recently.
  11. You'd also need to get the consent of the Freeholder. Most flats don't have gas for safety reasons.
  12. We sold a leasehold flat which completed in March this year for two reasons: 1) The EPC was a D and the proposed requirement to get to a C or less would be too costly and a PITA because it was leasehold. 2) The CGT allowance was about to half in the next (now current) tax year and will do so again next year. We still own 2 others with great long term tenants and no EPC issues so will sit the current downturn out and review again in 5 to 8 years time. The govt better start building some property for the rented sector and quickly. As Pocster states private landlords are being driven out of the market and there'll be more people on the streets/living in tents/mobile homes/canal boats etc.
  13. Strange - they covered us from July 2022 and we got our building completion cert in Jan 2023. Maybe their insurers have altered their terms.
  14. Well as if by magic the post has arrived at midday with a large package from HMRC. Just two invoices with a total VAT amount over £2000 were rejected as I only had Pro-forma invoices and they want originals. Time to talk to Polysteel and get all the money back!!
  15. We were living in the house prior to sign off and used Intelligent Insurance. They wanted to know at various stages how the works were going. https://www.intelligentinsurance.co.uk/
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