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Everything posted by Wil

  1. Yup beats my two ASHPS adding up to 42kWp. Looking forward to the floorplans. And how on earth you get that heat into the space. 🙂
  2. I’m also considering this (and this company) but was going to install above the ceiling rather than create a bulkhead. My requirement is primarily heating but cool at high temp (above dew point) would take the edge off in summer. Use MDF to form plenums for the supply/ extract from the room. My experiments with various fan rads have shown that fan noise in bedrooms is totally unacceptable- even the motorised TRVs are annoying.. So the aim is to get this outside the rooms acoustically and potentially have some sort of baffle for the fan noise (which just adds complication and is the reason I haven’t progressed. Plan is to hang the FCU on catenaries to avoid vibration.
  3. I’m sorry I can’t comment but I’m about to run into the same issue so watching with interest. I can’t see why a couple of holes in the trimmers would make a signifcant difference to the structures, but I’m no expert.
  4. Thank you yet again for the depth of response. Sounds like I need to go get some professional advice rather than relying on your kindness to respond. The fixings at length do represent a significant risk which is where my builder is nervous.
  5. CE’s MCS route worked well for me under the old RHI scheme- Friendly surveyor came out once I’d confirmed install and did the MCS cert and submitted. Job’s a good’un. Had a few foibles with my 3phase 18kW unit but mostly around the compressor terminals causing tripping issues. Fixed now with a new set of connectors recommended by Chris.
  6. @sgt_woulds Another excellent and in-depth response, thank you again! Our Batman appears to be giving us the option of TLX or Bitumen and nothing else. So I suppose those are my options and he must consider it safe! Then it’s down to the insulation options I use- the builder has ‘allowed for’ his standard 75 over 75 between of PIR because that's what he does to meet regs. Nothing wrong with that on new build. I had specifically got planning to raise the roof lines so I could go warm roof, but without much more than a simplistic ‘warm roof will keep all moisture issues away’. Could I do your whole buildup on the outside of the rafters? Rafters, VCL, insulation, tlx, tiles? It would make some interesting details at roof intersections and gables, but I think that’s ok. Happy to discuss in PM if it’s easier to mention brand names/ buildups, will not take as pressure to buy 🙂
  7. @sgt_woulds What an excellent and in-depth response, thank you. I take it the 35mm in your build up above is the wood fibre sarking board? The label appears to be missing. What stops condensation forming on the internal side of the felt membrane in your example above? This was an issue in my old loft when I pulled back the glass fibre insulation that had been stuffed between the rafters (badly)? I guess I need to understand the WUFI calculations properly. And my rafters are only 100mm to play with. Given the felt barrier, a cheaper way could be to use celotex over the rafters in place of the sarking boards- making the whole roof warmer? I’d happily have open rafters inside if it made things better! Sorry to answer with a whole raft of questions, I’m just fighting with the concept of mixing breatheable and non-breatheable materials on the roof and the horror stories you read on condensation. My only real references to TLX not being suitable are above in the thread, but I had read it elsewhere too. No recent or real worked experience, so if people are now happy that TLX isn’t murdering the flying squeakers, then all good and I’ll have to dip in for the expensive stuff! £16/m2 🤦
  8. Frankly, I’d prefer the whole lot to be breathable- woodtherm or similar for insulation then a breather membrane over. My experience of bitumen felt is disintegrating membrane (both our previous house and this one) where it has become brittle and just breaks up.
  9. Just to come back to this, we’re now in the situation of having to insulate roofs where there may or may not be bats under the tiles (emergence survey had a single possible). I have permission to raise the roof, but the builder doesn’t like the idea of 150mm celotex over the rafters (too hard to fix apparently) and had been planning 75over and 75 in between. Then a bat safe (tlx?) membrane over the lot. This is what our batman has recommended. My concern is having to put bitumen felt back on and also trying to put 75mm celotex in between existing wavy 100mm deep rafters and it have any effect. Spoke to Ecomerchant and they won’t warrant wood fibres boards without a membrane where there might be batty monsters because of the urine. But if TLX isn’t suitable- what the hell do I cover the roof in? Has anyone done a retrofit solution other than bitumen felt?
  10. It’ll likely be a static IP address issue- have the sensors or the 1pm changed address? In which case your links your typed in won’t be pointing to the right place. You can see the current IP address under ‘internet’ in the app. Need to set to static in your wifi router.
  11. Holy thread resurrection but directly relevant. Just to dive in on this, we’re in the final throws of choosing between Kloeber’s Kustomslide and Cortizo 4700 for the 5.6m x2.4m sliders on the front of our new box. The Cortizo supplier has confirmed brush seals but that the three tracks have drainage to the outside to prevent any ingress. I wonder if I could trouble @craig to comment on this. Or recommend a supplier of similar but better sealed? any of the other Cortizo commentators able to update on their install?
  12. Any images of these masonry stoves? I’d love to incorporate a masonry stove in our renovations (especially if my existing inglenook could be repurposed…)
  13. Thank you for the advice, much appreciated. I’ll discuss with the contractor tomorrow if they can give assurance on the quality control.
  14. So that would be 100ish hardcore, sand, concrete(how much?), 150mm insulation, plastic membrane, 60mm screed with UFH pipes?
  15. Realistically, every little helps. That’s a useful breakdown, thank you- I’ll discuss with the contractor who’s bidding. A couple of questions if I may? In my spec above it looks like there’s a vapour layer over the insulation with a damp membrane/ radon barrier under. Is this second barrier necessary? I was imagining pinning the UFH pipe to the insulation direct with the concrete and reinforcement poured directly on top (or even follow the spec and tie to the rebar). Does 100mm concrete differ from 100mm screed poured?
  16. I lied- here’s the spec- it’s 125mm concrete and much more hardcore/ blinding:
  17. Hmm spec for my retro fit floor is hardcore and sand 160mm. 200mm PIR. 150 concrete. Pipes in the concrete. Tiles likely on top. Sounds like there are options to cut 50mm off the concrete at least. So useful post. The 200mm was me insisting on exceeding BR, architect and contractor not keen. I have a QS cost for rates of digging I can try and find if useful.
  18. @JohnMo My goal was to limit/ avoid peak electricity use hence the batteries as the buffer to allow for the sun going behind a cloud etc. If I let my ASHP (18kW 3phase) take the solar, I can’t guarantee it won’t pull way more than the solar can give. Once it starts the HW cycle I don’t want to be faffing in and out- hence just let the immersion go (it can also go much higher). I went for the 3kW immersion at 3kW as it avoids complication and the batteries are more than capable of buffering that. My issue is the ASHP is huge so can eat the batteries pretty quickly at full chat. This hopefully wouldn’t be an issue on a more modest system
  19. Agreed! my 5kWp system facing south only managed 5434kWh in '23. 4622kWh so far this year!
  20. Yep, I’ve got one of these controlling the Cool Energy Reverso unit I’ve got. Works well enough and integrates with Home Assistant ok. You can have it in auto or always set to one speed so leaving it on minimum means noise isn’t an issue.
  21. Just for completeness, I email Megawave about their FCUs and got the following data sheets if anyone is still considering them: I haven’t gone as far as an order. FCU Data.pdf MWES Concealed FCU data sheet.pdf MW Free Standing- FCU(DC motor)manaul 23.6 wifi 1.pdf
  22. This is a brilliant thread, thanks to @Rob99, I rang National Grid and they created an export MPAN for me today (my solar and batteries were registered with them previously). Now the key question is- will Octopus take just an export MPAN or do I have to produce all the MCS malarky still? Watch this space when I try tomorrow….
  23. My version for the OP is: I use HomeAssistant in the middle of batteries and solar and ASHP. I have 3phase heat pumps, single phase immersion in a 300ltr UVC. 5kWp solar and 26kWh batteries. ASHP is set to 24/7 keep the tank above 48degrees. Batteries charge overnight on cheap electric car tariff, bit of morning usage knocks them down to approx 90%. 2x grown ups shower in the morning pre-solar, 2x kids in the evening, post-solar. If sun comes out during the day, solar boosts batteries back up. If batteries change above 95% and solar >500W (just a check to make sure the immersion doesn’t come on when charging batteries at night with cheap rate- if the batteries go up during the day it can only come from solar) then- I turn the immersion on (limit stat set to max). It heats the tank for 1hour or until the batteries drop under 85%. If the immersion is on and batteries hit 98% (solar still > immersion) I turn the car charger on. Then boost the ASHP buffer tank. Until it all drops back to 85% battery and I let the batteries take the solar until it hits 95% and kick off again. If the sun doesn’t shine enough, the batteries hold my house load and if the tank drops below 48, the ASHP kicks in to top it off. TL;DR Basically use the batteries as a diverter for solar to immersion. Forget complicated 3 phase or trying to use the ASHP. Let the solar pump the immersion and take the tank to max (about 85dC in my case- make sure you have anti-scald fitted!).
  24. oops, wrote this and then logged off for a week! Craig- we've changed the infill panel above the door to solid to put a beam across horizontally. This will form a small overhang/ porch over the door and split the glazing into 2 sections- this should be plenty to avoid deflection? Updated elevation here: Although not sure why the architect has chosen to split the glazing above now! Need to get that line taken out. Should make two fairly even 2.4M panels. @SBMS We will clad the spandrel and cap it in Aluminium or similar for the rain. Will match the top beam detail.
  25. I thought the idea was to keep the bottom of the joists exposed to the external air so that the cross flow could/would remove any chance of moisture and rot? If you encase the joists in PIR but the ends are still in the cold wall isn't this exactly the worst case to be avoided? I have slightly deeper floor voids. probably 500mm under the joists but can't see why I can't just 'bung' the vents and then fill the void with micafill or similar non-wicking insulation up to full depth of the joists? I've seen it posted on other sites but it seems to be held as a no-no and I can't understand why compared to putting insulation under and on top of the joists when you still can't do anything about the cold ends in the walls?
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