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Nick A

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  • About Me
    First time self builder in Outer Hebrides
  • Location
    East Midlands

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  1. Hi Alex and thanks very much for the suggestion. As it turned out, we got the Alu sheets and flashings from Architectural Profiles www.archprof.co.uk and are very happy with the results.
  2. Hi, We are building a house in the Outer Hebrides with Plannja hard finish coated Aluminium specified for the roof in the coastal environment. I’m trying to get hold of Plannja in Sweden but they aren’t responding and their only UK distributor that I know of is Nu Style of Aberdeen and all you get from their automated phone answer is “this office is closed” which suggests they have ceased trading. Anyone know of a good supplier of hard coated 18mm aluminium sinusoidal roofing sheets and flashings? It’s only around 160sq m we need and I don’t want to use steel as I need something highly durable. Thanks, Nick
  3. Thanks very much for your thoughts. I fear The Dreamer is probably right. We are going to use a Sunamp heat battery and the house will be all electric so I’m not expecting to generate any extra power that we can’t use ourselves.
  4. Hi - I wonder does anyone have experience of a reliable PV Installer in the Outer Hebrides? We are building a house this year on the Isle of Barra and I’m struggling to find a local installer to do the work this summer. I may have to get them over from the mainland but that will add extra travel and accommodation costs so any suggestions much appreciated. thanks, Nick
  5. Thanks The Dreamer - much appreciate your advice. Nick
  6. Hi ProDave and thanks for the steer. Checked out Scottish Water who provide a service on the Hebrides and they can do 25m+ which means we are good to go. Nick
  7. Hi there, Wonder if anyone has any experience of how far a standard waste tanker can be parked from a treatment plant or septic tank to empty it? Our Architect is suggesting putting the Graf One2Clean right by our access road but it’s going to be a real eyesore. I’d prefer to locate it around 20m from the access road - doesn’t feel like that should be a problem? Your thoughts would be much appreciated both on emptying and the Graf Thanks, Nick
  8. Thanks for your help. Crystallised my thinking - had the Structural Engineer lined up for a couple visits - yes, lots of peat, bog & rock! Will dispense with the Architect visits though.
  9. Hi - our first post. We are self building a 115 sq m house in the Outer Hebrides this year, starting next month. Would therefore appreciate advice from those who’ve been there and done it! We have a trusted builder and electrician but because the location is 5 hours by ferry from the mainland, significant expenses for specialist skills are incurred before they’ve even started work. My initial question concerns progress inspections and their value. In addition to Building Controls, our Architect has suggested 6x inspections during the build to sign off the work so far, which they will carry out. We are not planning to sell the house for at least 20 years and I’m not sure if any inspections, other than BC are necessary, as long as we are happy with the work done. Any thoughts on the benefit of such inspections? Thanks, Nick
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