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Everything posted by Discoeye

  1. Double arm 12 inch frame , Hamilton green medium pile roller sleeves, any scuttles just make sure they take a double arm roller but for me personally go to a dulux trade centre as their gear is no more expensive than the rest and nicer to use.
  2. Karndean looselay and longboard are @ 4.5mm thick and can be glued down albeit with their tackifier.
  3. Lots of Karndean are actually thicker than you stated so just keep an eye out.
  4. Welcome , plenty of knowledge on here not from me though and good luck with your build
  5. https://www.screwfix.com/p/ronseal-high-performance-wood-filler-natural-550g/51811 Two pack wood filler would be fine for the job, don't sand it just fill flush or wood glue and sawdust.
  6. Have you tried turpentine ???? I have always had good results with this .
  7. +1 for that being a possible reason, my dad was a bricky his entire life and often spoke of this .
  8. Ever heard of a hospital job it could be yours, Through various trades I heard this spoken often as the tradesman would take the job on and use it in emergency s only i.e: if they were let down on their current job with materials being late or other tradesman not finished so they couldn't do their work or a rain stops play work day then it would be lets go to that job and keep him happy for a day . On a serious note I feel for you and its not good practise when they don't even contact you.
  9. +1 for Nitrile gloves. Unigloves kooltouch are a little thicker and less prone to tearing.
  10. Needs must but since telescopic steps over stairs is never a headache.
  11. For stairs and I have been in a domestic and commercial setting for over 25 years you can't beat a telescopic ladder for stairs . Before they were invented I looked pretty silly taking one half of a full size double ladder through the house to use .
  12. Nightmare when somebody paints upvc there is ways and means to overcome this but the cost of products ,you have made the right and quickest approach - just replace it.
  13. Hi, Tennis is on its better than building work.
  14. =1 Strainer post. There is a place in Mitcham:https://allenconcrete.co.uk/fencing/strained-wire-fence-posts/
  15. With an a frame it might set you back further so you will have to reach further, or facing the other way working sideways which is not comfortable. Stabiliser bars are an added assurance and somebody or something heavy against the bottom of the ladder or the extreme which bt,cable guys do is drill and eye screw then tie off of that but that means lots of holes in your brickwork.
  16. https://www.angelplastics.co.uk/Category/783/White-Polypipe-Ogee-Gutters
  17. Looks like Victorian ogee guttering.
  18. Fair enough, any ladder is dangerous if not used correctly but if it's something you use everyday you get to know your equipment and grow your confidence in using it.
  19. https://www.laddersandscaffoldtowers.co.uk/acatalog/Telescopic-Ladders.html?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqNqkBhDlARIsAFaxvwzcYE1gFmTsqLs-a66ZeS6bntMmJNfyw8dOhGeIitLu9J4yuZstqk8aAl8YEALw_wcB
  20. https://www.laddersandscaffoldtowers.co.uk/acatalog/Telescopic-Ladders.html?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqNqkBhDlARIsAFaxvwzcYE1gFmTsqLs-a66ZeS6bntMmJNfyw8dOhGeIitLu9J4yuZstqk8aAl8YEALw_wcB
  21. For me personally a set of tele steps for working on stairs every time, height adjustable to suit your needs nice and wide to work from but not to wide for the stair treads. BPS access solutions have some fair priced one's , Toolstation etc..
  22. All the stuff you have listed there cost £2 per bag at our local tip and it has to be from your home not trade waste🙈
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