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Everything posted by Dillsue

  1. If you're considering space heating backup then a fan heater may well give you alot more resilience than an immersion
  2. Any inverter thats supports export limitation will have an energy meter/CT clamp to monitor how much is going to the grid and throttle output if there's too much being exported. You can have whatever size inverter you want so long as it is certified to G100 for export limitation.... that's what G100 is for.
  3. Octopus Outgoing pays 15p/kwh so seemingly triple what youre getting now. Worth the faff for over a grand a year??
  4. No and no! Under G98 the inverter must be limited to 3.6kw and never produce more than 3.6kw so you cant have a 10kw inverter. If you want a 10kw inverter that can pump 10kw to your house but only 3.68 or less to the grid, then you need export limitation which is done via G99 with a G100 supplement to cover the setup of the export limitation. If you've got a grid connection you can't avoid G98/99/100 if you're connecting a PV inverter. The Gxx processes are there to help the DNO manage the grid for everyone's benefit so take whichever route is applicable Personally if you've potentially got 14kw of panels I would go for G99 and see what the max export they'll allow is...you might be surprised. We got 7.3kw without any dramas and we've got that for "ever". Capacity allocation seems to be done on a first come first served basis so if you went for a 3.68kw system and all your neighbours did the same you might not get any extra export allowance in the future as all your neighbours have used up all the spare capacity in the local grid. If you got consent now for 5/6/7/8kw then you've likely got that for life:)
  5. Yes via a G99 and G100 application using an inverter certified for export limitation. Do you know how big an array you can fit in? I'm sure other manufacturers do it but I believe the the current solaredge range of inverters can have double the inverters kw rating in DC input from panels. A 3.68kw inverter can have around 7.3kw of panels hooked up to it, even more if they aren't all facing the same way so not all generating at max at the same time. As the inverter is limited to 3.68kw its G98 compliant so notify only. Not the most efficient use of the panels in the summer but you'd be using the bulk of the panels output outside of summer. Youd avoid a G99 application/cost
  6. Have a good think about who's looking after all the off grid gubbins if somethings gone wrong and you're not around or are taken ill. Not sure the type of property your looking to power but if you come to sell you'll likely be selling in avery niche market. The Victron forum is where I'd start looking for ideas but no idea if the knowledge base extends to whole house design??
  7. Done the G99 which was straight forward. No idea on the G100!
  8. Google "G99 commissiong form" and find what's needed for G99 but if you're using export limitation I'd guess theres an extra G100 test record available from the ENA or your DNO
  9. Won't the docs you previously submitted be more or less identical for the 3.68- 5 kw upgrade??
  10. I know nothing about your set up but logic says that if the problem occurred after enabling the remote control, it's something to do with the way the remote is controlling things. If you revert back to exactly how things were before adding the remote then see if the fault clears. If it does, you've pretty much ruled out any problems with plumbing/pumps/filter etc and can focus on things the remote is doing wrong
  11. From previous forum discussion I belive that export on one phase offsets import on the other 2 phases, but only if the export and import happen at the same time. If you export and import at different times both get logged by the meter but don't offset each other in the meters registers.
  12. I use Solaredge and you can pick them up on Ebay for £15 upwards if you're prepared to wait. Otherwise £40? upwards. They have a 25yr warranty so I'm not bothered about buying privately. Optimisers/micro inverters are wired in a string the same way as panels can be wired. The panels plug into their optimiser but arent functionally part of the string. The difference is that where a faulty/shaded/lower powered panel in a conventional string can block or restrict the power coming from the rest of the string, optimisers don't. Each optimiser allows power from the rest of the string to pass through it unrestricted and adds any power it has available. If an optimiser has no power to add because its panel isnt producing any, the rest of the string carries on producing as normal. Each optimiser has an MPPT in it to get the most power out of its panel. You can connect whatever panels you want to optimisers so long as the panels output is within the optimisers input range AND the optimiser is compatible with other optimisers in the string. If youre asking about mismatched panels in a conventional string then yes you can, but the lower rated panels will likely restrict the output of any higher rated panels. It's doable but alot more restrictive than using optimisers/micro inverters
  13. Reducing load will increase the voltage, so Try that at the times you're getting the problem and see if it clears things up
  14. Get someone who's familiar with doing this to show you where to measure, where to put the probes and which range to select. There's a fair chance of exposed bus bars behind the cover with 400vac on them that have got the potential to kill you and/or spoil your xmas.
  15. If you look at the grid voltages in the snap shots you posted, the L3 phase is up to 252.4vac when your only generating a few hundred Watts, so you're running close to the grid max. Maybe your inverters grid voltage limit has reset to 253vac after the power cut and you're hitting that? If you put a load on that phase, like an electric fire, it will pull the voltage down. Maybe add a kw or 2 of load to each phase when you want to test things
  16. The DNOs max supply voltage is 253vac but your inverter can likely push the house voltage higher before it shuts down. Before our DNO upgraded our transformer mine has in the past run up to 262vac before it shuts down.
  17. They look to be the same panel with 5 watt difference? If that's the case you'll be fine mixing and matching. You can put them on separate MPPT inputs on your inverter if you want to get the last 36watts(5x9) out of them, but you're unlikely to notice the 36w loss if you mix them up For clarity your official approval is almost certainly for your inverter output not the number or capacity of panels connected to it, so don't get hung up on the number of panels you have if other panel configurations would work better for you.
  18. If you're using optimisers and likely micro inverters, you can mix and match panels. We've got 310, 320, 335 and 405 watt panels all on the same inverter. There's a cost overhead, but optimisers have lots of advantages one of which is the ease of alteration/expansion.
  19. Yep it's a G100 compliant inverter that's required to legitimately implement export limitation. G100 is an industry spec produced by the ENA for all DNOs to use . If yours has said they don't trust the spec then they really need to go back to the ENA with their concerns. On the other hand it may only be the view of the the individual you contacted and if you pressed them they would(should) permit export limitation??
  20. But I wasnt referring to you. I was commenting on Helene who says they've got very limited knowledge. Someone who sees 4 screws on an enclosure when someone experienced says theres only 2 so they maybe going into wrong enclosure. It's nuts to suggest someone with no/limited experience goes into a live enclosure when it can easily be isolated.
  21. Send the designer the photo as that's got 3 phases going in and 3 cables coming out of the back going to 3 isolators....looks pretty 3 phaseish to me. SPEN upgraded our transformer last year to 25kva single phase just for us. If that's 50kva single phase for 4 houses then that sounds relatively underrated for an electrified future......unless it's actually a 3 phase unit. Maybe they've got their records wrong!
  22. If you need to ask whether to isolate before removing a cover, there's no question you should isolate before removing the cover.
  23. If they are taking more than is due/agreed, just cancel the DD. They'll soon be in touch and far more amenable to sort things out.
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