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I wasn't going to visit the site today, but we've had heavy rain showers today in Dorset and I thought that would be an ideal opportunity to see how level the slab looks after its late night power floating.  My reasoning was that whilst I can't identify any high spots by eye, it would be easy to look for the low ones by where the puddles were lying.


Here's a photo taken from a slightly elevated viewpoint (the top of a pile of wood chippings!), looking from the south east corner where the snug will be, over towards the north west corner, where the main living area will be.




Most of the puddles that you can see are barely a couple of millimetres.  I'm not sure how long it had been since the shower that caused these, but it was a breezy day and not hot.


The next is taken from the other end of the right hand side of the property, as seen above.  Between the brown foul waste pipe and the white UFH pipes, you can just about see that there is a hole in the slab.  This is meant to be there right now, but is due to a mishap yesterday.  As the concrete was being transferred in the digger and poured from the bucket, the digger rocked slightly and the bucket bounced on the exposed UFH pipes.  Harry from MBC reckoned that one of the pipes has been damaged as a result, and so the area around the punctured pipe has been left uncovered.  My trusty plumber/UFH person will be coming early next week to fix the damaged section of pipe and make good on the concrete floor, and MBC will be covering the cost of this.  Once I have the bill for the repair, I will pay it and MBC will deduct the amount from my next stage payment.  This was all agreed this morning without any arguments or quibbles.




So far, all the puddles in the photos have only been a couple of mm deep.  The deepest is on the far north west corner of the living area, shown below.




It's not easy to guage the depth of this area, but I think it's about 4mm at the deepest.  The thingies are a couple of end caps that get put on the pile rebar, but the wind was blowing them towards me.  You can see how they are tilting.


Here's another view of the same:




I don't recall the exact tolerance that the slab needs to be within off the top of my head, and I'm not going hunting for it right now as I'm one g&t into Friday evening with a couple more to follow, so no point now.  However, the figure of 5mm is scratching away in the deepest recesses of my grey cells, so I think this should be acceptable. If anyone knows otherwise, please speak up!


The finish on the surface overall is very nice.  I had a walk over the whole thing and couldn't see anything obvious, but then apart from squishy concrete under my boots, I wouldn't know quite what to look for anyone.  To my unpracticed eye, it looks pretty good.


One very good think that came about from all that excess concrete being dumped all over the place yesterday is that the team spread it all out between the hard standing and the slab, so I now have an even more level and sturdy surface for the crane when it arrives with the timber frame:



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5mm is neither here nor there, even if tiling the slab direct you'd work off a 6mm adhesive bed as a max, so there'd be no problem making up a 5mm dip.

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Looks good, well done. 5mm not a problem pretty much perfect I would say.....I had 40mm in one area, 25mm in others  and lots of dips that were  between 40 and 25 deep.....140 bags of levelling compound, mine could never be level just flat according to floor layer who did it. 


Enjoy the well deserved G&T's  

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Our concrete guy has a party trick when it has rained on a finished slab he puts a 20p piece in the deepest looking puddle and the water doesn't cover it.  I sure surface tension plays a part but still quite impressive.

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