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Q: What's in a name? A: £100-£50



Had to laugh yesterday as I got demand number 4 from our council for us to fill in a form for us to beg their permission to call our house what we want (there are no street numbers as there is no street) .  Their first attempt about a year ago when we started building was to try it on for £100 and when I ignored that another form was sent asking for £50. The funny bit was they addressed it to the house, and the form explains that unless we pay the bribe we will not receive mail or deliveries at that address! :D .


I know that whilst in the scheme of building a house, £50 may not seem worth arguing about - but my attitude is that we worked for that £50, and these days I'm in a job I love but which is poorly paid (the self build is part of a reassessment of our lives we made, I was making good money, but in a stressful job and hardly seeing the family - I'll probably live years longer now, albeit without the foreign holidays and new cars - but we've never been happier!). I've always paid council tax anyway, and to enter the name on a computer would take maximum 1 minute, maybe 2 if they are 2-finger typists like me.  I've also become acutely aware during this process that lots of little back office types feel a God given right to take money from self builders (I call it the "Grand Designs" effect, where the people manage to magic many £000s over their budgets, and I think that's led to the belief we're all rich. Whereas a good number like us, self build because we can't afford someone else to do it, and if you've got a little land, its cheaper than buying a ready built house - we certainly could never afford to buy the house we are building) . So as long as I can, I'm digging my heels in on this one. I've found sadly that this self build turns (for us anyway) into having to fight authority at every turn and nag/push or threaten people to simply do their job. Only last week, to get our deposit back from a company that had let us down and wasted over a month of our time I had to threaten a very large window company with court and they went to the wire delaying it before coughing up. I really wish it wasn't like this. 


As it happens, thanks to our friendly postman we are on the post office database and as the months have gone by I see our address appears on more and more firms address finder systems. We are also recorded with the banks, CC companies and so on and I've not had one issue getting deliveries or services or financial matters sent to the house. In fact all our mail goes there now ready for when we move in proper. 


Its interesting that on the form I am required to give the house name, then justify that name in a box next to it! Now I understand that sweary names, and the like are not allowed, and that's probably for the good, but for some little clerk to decide even what we call our home is an invasion too far. What's next deciding on our interior colour scheme, the name of our cat? (we haven't got a cat).  Do we need to be micromanaged in this country really as if we are not grown ups? Or is it just another nice little earner? I'm not a fan of intrusive government.


As it happens, our choice of house name  (originally Curlew House because its the symbol of this national park, Curlews live here around our house, and it's my favourite bird - but we found about 3 others so changed our mind) is Todcroft - and that's because the next house down the road (my parents) was originally called Todcroft, we found that on a really ancient map, so there is a historical reason, and I cannot find another beyond one in Cumbria. But, that's none of their bloody business, and I really resent the idea that I have to ask some clerks permission. If they claim it needs their supervision/input then how come all the horrible twee/generic house names you see where there must be hundreds with the same name? I may have to pay the money in the end. Though I'm unsure of their legal right to demand it actually, they do have power under Public Health Act to maintain the record of street and house names, I can't find anything in that act saying householder must pay for it, so if they can evidence that then I guess I'll have no choice.  But I bet they won't refuse to send a council tax bill to the address once it gets habitable! :D


I reckon if that's a fair fee, then to enter that name in a database will take maybe 2 minutes, they must be paying their clerks in the region of £1500 per hour, which somehow I doubt.


Meantime, today I am fitting downpipes. There is snowfall here again today but it is marginally above freezing, so the snow on the roof is slowly thawing. The sun is shining and its easy to see that if our windows were fitted, we'd be getting lots of thermal gain on a day like this. 


As you can see, the patio doors are fitted, facing West, but the 3 big South facing windows in this room are still to be fitted - within the next 3 weeks hopefully. Lesson learned for the windows is that big firms are very definitely not necessarily the best or offer the best value. By now using a local firm we are getting triple glazing for less than the price of double from the big national company! U values also better of course, but what has been nicest is any easy "can do" attitude from them - for example the big national firm said they did not make doors as wide as this and we'd need slim side panes made up - this local firm said "no bother, of course we can make them for you in that size" ! Big difference. 






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I am having the same naming battle. Our council want £150 to register it, so I just ignored that.


I chose a house name, that matched with the theme of other names in the area, checked there were no other houses nearby using the name, and checked I could register a domain name of the house name.


I have no trouble getting post delivered here. No problem with utilities (the lecky still have it on their database as "land 30 metres east of (next door neighbours house name)" so had to enter it manually.


I thought it would come to a head when we moved into the static caravan and started paying council tax. But no there were no issues. The local council now confirm it is on their address database.


But it is still not on the Royal Mail postcode database.  I have spoken to them, but they will only add it when the council inform them, and it appears that would cost me £150 just for the council to convey a simple bit of information to RM.


There is something about the cost for a council service has to reflect the actual cost of providing that service.  Well £150 would pay a staff member for a whole day, so clearly in this case the fee is too high.  So I continue to avoid it.  Now if they would offer me the service at a more reasonable say £50 I would fill in their form.  But at the moment I see no pressing need to do so.  It would not surprise me now if I tried, they would say "sorry that name is in use....."

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In our case, our friendly local postie got it added for us - might be worth asking?  I think the fact that your council thinks its worth £150, mine thinks its worth £100, then if you don't pay then try it for £50 speaks volumes. 

Edited by curlewhouse
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Interesting read!


I've been looking in to this too lately as my old childhood home has a name nobody can fathom a reason for, named after Anne of Cleves but she died way way before any house was at the location or any of the land was even used... So we have decided to re-name the house  and as far as I could see, unless you wanted it to be ONLY known by the name and not a number then you could do as you please. So for example "Smelly House, 52 Stinky Street" would be ok... but calling it just Smelly House would need registering?


OK I'm an idiot... just re-read and you have no street or numbers placed yet.

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We had no choice but to pay the fee, over £100 as I recall.  We got into a hole because during the planning consultation one of the neighbours raised an issue about the house name (which wasn't on the planning application and which we hadn't even started thinking about..........) stating that there were problems locally with so many houses in the immediate area having "mill" or "orchard" in the name that it confused delivery services and so could the planners ensure that the new house did not have a confusing house name.  As a consequence of this we got a letter from the street naming team at the council, saying that we could not name the house without going through them for approval.  As this was on the planning file as a consultee response (rather bizarrely) we decided to pay up rather than push the point, although it did grieve me to pay out such a big fee just to name the house.  We had to have a name, as there are no numbers used in the village at all.

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This is all very interesting. My experience is so different to the above - I completed an online form from the Scottish Borders website, with the name of our intended new build. A few days later I received a reply informing me that my name request has been approved and the details have been sent to The Royal Mail. They will retain the details in a folder marked "not yet built". Once completed, I need to let the parties involved know and they will move the address to a folder marked " built".

The whole process couldn't have been easier and hasn't cost me a penny!!


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Mine recently cost £75.  Although it's a new property, they put it through as a name change as there was an existing dwelling there, rather than about £125-ish for a new address.  Not particularly cheap, but not the worst I've seen.

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I paid £50 in Nov' 2016 for a North Dorset new build being the first address on a street that didn't have a postcode...so I got my first choice name, and number 1.  The postcode allocated was previously parked along with others 'yet to be allocated', in a field 3 miles away....and when my new address went live with the post office it still took a couple of months for google to accurately place it, in which time numerous delivery drivers gave themselves the runaround by not reading their notes.

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for us it was a free service from Flintshire Council in N Wales and they did the liaison with the Royal Mail

Edited by Ian
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I not only got to name our house, but our road. If only the LA knew the real reason I chose the latter B|

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7 hours ago, Temp said:

As I understand it the council are obliged by legislation to maintain a record of street names and numbers/names. The fees vary a lot. Google found one where the fee was £25...




For some reason renaming costs £31 so pressing the delete key costs £6.


The emergency services also use the council database



And as I said, our house name in now on the council's list but they won't pass it to Royal Mail unless I pay the ransom.

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On ‎13‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 18:53, NSS said:

I not only got to name our house, but our road. If only the LA knew the real reason I chose the latter B|

Yes, I was almost tempted when I saw that the road could be named for £150 :D

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On ‎13‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 19:00, ProDave said:

And as I said, our house name in now on the council's list but they won't pass it to Royal Mail unless I pay the ransom.

Talk to your postman - ours just went back to the depot and got one of the staff to add it!   

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1 minute ago, curlewhouse said:

Talk to your postman - ours just went back to the depot and got one of the staff to add it!   

I will try that. They already know the house name and deliver post here, I will see if they have the clout to do anything.

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