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Floors, horses and UFH



So apart from the long running saga getting the Northern electric network  to understand their own reson d'etre, I've started to do the utility and downstairs bathroom, so as to give us facilities as soon as possible.

Coincidentally the two houses to the North of us have been bought and are being renovated and the guy doing the building work called in to see me and very kindly told me that there has been a 14% or so rise in insulation costs and another forecast for October according to his BM. He realized I'd be buying quite a bit so had popped in to warn me - which was nice of him.

So I checked online for the best price I could find and rang my local Jewsons branch with my account number and asked what their price was - it was about £6 more per sheet - so I told them the price I could get it at and they said they'd match it - so since that meant quicker delivery I just ordered 20 sheets (it was celotex I was after but they only have a different brand so I thought I'd only 59b4125628783_20170905_1033231.thumb.jpg.10e6e35eacd98aa5788ae404689bf9c4.jpgorder a limited amount until I saw the quality).  It seems fine, though being 100mm it has made me realize that I need to think a bit more about the floor build up as it still leaves me about 150mm + to the door level (disconcertingly, on the ground floor I find the beam-&-block level to door opening levels to be different at different entrances!) , though that does mean I can squeeze in another 100mm of insulation - a pity that for some reason it shot up in price recently. So my plan is to buy seconds unfaced insulation and put that on the bottom, and the foil faced on the top.


I had planned to buy it all from a seconds supplier, but found  that I can now get better prices for new in the foil faced versions than their seconds are priced at!


After getting a few quotes, and reading peoples comments I chose Wunda to supply our UFH kit. I began pricing it all by buying it individually via eBay and so on, but found Wunda to be very competitive, so went with the easy option and got it all in one go in the end. We bit the bullet and after months debating have gone for only having UFH on the first floor in 59b4129722065_20170905_1653261.thumb.jpg.a38c0884adc870d589b491fa7c4f52f3.jpgthe bathroom, though obviously the whole of the ground floor will have it.   Although I know the calculations say we should not need it, I am tempted to fit "just in case" background electric panel heaters in the bedrooms.



My daughter bringing he59b412520afe6_20170902_1154401.thumb.jpg.ae7f17def3d553c59510d52622a3e8e2.jpgr horse to visit!




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The insulation price increases are apparently due to a fire and shutdown of a factory. And of course the drop in value of Sterling has an effect too.

I found Seconds and Co to be extremely competitive, although I don't know what their current prices are like. And I had to settle for paper faced boards. If I'd been able to get foil faced then I could maybe have skipped the tedious VCL stage.

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Disappointed with Seconds & Co as I'd planned to buy a lot from them, but I think they've jumped on the increase as their seconds of foil faced Kingspan/reticel/etc. are currently priced higher than I can source perfect condition ones! Their unfaced are still cheaper though.

Edited by curlewhouse
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14 minutes ago, ProDave said:

That's looking very tidy indeed.

Thanks Dave 

screed going down in the morning

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1 hour ago, nod said:

I wouldn't use seconds for UFH

Try Varleys 


There are lots of different seconds grades - I used their 120mm which had "rippled foil" so was a cosmetic second. At half the price of new I can't see why you wouldn't use it 

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7 minutes ago, PeterW said:


There are lots of different seconds grades - I used their 120mm which had "rippled foil" so was a cosmetic second. At half the price of new I can't see why you wouldn't use it 

Just my own personal preference The type you describe wouldn't bother me

manufacture defect

But when I see some of the adds with piles of the stuff stored outside with ripped sheeting I wouldn't  put it under a screed 

i paid 42 per sheet for 140 mill


can you really get seconds for 

£21 per sheet 




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My seconds stuff was mostly fine, but some had big voids under the paper, some were undulating on one side where the foam looked like it hadn't fully risen, and some was noticeably thin- 40mm rather than 50mm.

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Bought 2 lots of Seconds on eBay after all - unfaced stuff, to go on the bottom, and using the the good foil faced stuff I've bought on top to give us our 200mm -  you've got to watch though as some of the seconds on offer  is sloped/angled, and you could miss this if not paying attention to the listing.  It was considerably cheaper, and I've never seen the advantage of 2 lots of foil face to face in the middle anyway really, if using more than one layer. The top face yes, makes sense of course, but not having on the very bottom I can't see making any difference really, so given the price saving, I went for it.

Edited by curlewhouse
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