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The right compactor for Geocell floor???


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I'm about to install a Glapor Geocell floor, provided by Mike Wye. On their guidance it recommends a compactor of between 85-120kg in weight (among other specs). 


The only compactors I can find for hire around me are 50kg in weight.


Does anyone have any experience of compacting geocell with a lighter whacker plate? Ideally it’s electric as I don't want the house to stink of fumes for months..... 


Do I just need to use it for longer/slower to get the same compaction ratio? Or do I have to use a heavier unit?


Here's the lighter weight electric one https://brandonhirestation.com/electric-plate-compactor-hire





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Geocell is an arse to compact.  You will need the heaviest whacker you can get to achieve anything like the compaction rates that Mike Wye suggest when they work out how much product you need.


Expect to have a lot left over.


You won't find an electric whacker up to the job - at least I didn't - so unfortunately you will have to put up with petrol fume headaches and the one you'll get just from the noise...


Plan for more labour than you expect.  Geocell does not shovel easily because it binds together - moving it around before whacking is exhausting even for a very small area.


If it's just for a living room I'd be less concerned than for a garage; use an electric whacker - but reduce the amount of geocell purchased by at least a quarter.



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6 hours ago, Nick Thomas said:

Any idea how much reduced compaction would affect it

Just work it out from first principles.  The solid material will have a k-value, and that will stay they same, just shorter in length.

The air, which is what actually does the majority of the work, will be reduced in mass/volume, and will also be shorter in length.

So as long as you know the original densities, you can calculate the volumes, and therefore the length at the correct compaction level.  Then recalculate for greater compaction.

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13 minutes ago, saveasteading said:

But isn't there more air

No. It is probably just crushing the solid part, or at least making a more uniform matrix.

The solid material will still be there, just with less air mixed in with it.


This is why on a roll of mineral wool type insulation, it specifies the thickness.

Crushing in more material reduces the k-value.

You can think of it as a stud, in a stud in a wall, reduce the depth of them and you not only shorten there thermal path, but you also reduce the air thickness, reducing the performance even more.

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23 hours ago, eros_poli said:



I'm about to install a Glapor Geocell floor, provided by Mike Wye. On their guidance it recommends a compactor of between 85-120kg in weight (among other specs). 


The only compactors I can find for hire around me are 50kg in weight.


Does anyone have any experience of compacting geocell with a lighter whacker plate? Ideally it’s electric as I don't want the house to stink of fumes for months..... 


Do I just need to use it for longer/slower to get the same compaction ratio? Or do I have to use a heavier unit?


Here's the lighter weight electric one https://brandonhirestation.com/electric-plate-compactor-hire





Well done you for going for Geocell. I've worked with / designed for another member on BH using this as an option to EPS / XPS but in a slightly diferent context. All reports back so far are good!


Can you post some detailed drawings and your target U values and edge details of what you propose. 


To be clear.. that means all the details. I'm interested but I'm not here to guess about what you want to do.. it's part of my day job as an SE and hobby so if you want a hand then please provide more quality information. 


Just as an aside.. The WYE system here:




Is for a breathable floor. Now if you are on clay and you compact the shit out of it then you no longer have a breathable floor unless you ventilate at the sides big time!


Love what you are doing, excuse the brevity!





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4 hours ago, SteamyTea said:

probably just crushing the solid part

I wonder. 

When we buy type 1, we are wanting the finished product to be as much like solid stone as possible. So we whack it but, importantly, also vibrate it so that the little bits fill the gaps between the big bits. No air is left.

G9eocell seems to be single size with lots of gaps. Whacking it will break sandy shards off it (I assume) and you get the assessed  performance. Doing it less, there will be more air. But presumably trapped within the finished product. 

I'd think working with 50 or 75mm layers will compact decently with a lesser compactor. Nobody will have tested it though.

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4 hours ago, saveasteading said:

I wonder. 

When we buy type 1, we are wanting the finished product to be as much like solid stone as possible. So we whack it but, importantly, also vibrate it so that the little bits fill the gaps between the big bits. No air is left.

G9eocell seems to be single size with lots of gaps. Whacking it will break sandy shards off it (I assume) and you get the assessed  performance. Doing it less, there will be more air. But presumably trapped within the finished product. 

I'd think working with 50 or 75mm layers will compact decently with a lesser compactor. Nobody will have tested it though.

Yes type one is aimed at good compaction and achieving density. Add a little cement content and you have a lean mix that forms a lot of the sub base of our motorways.


I think Geocell is much more like a single size aggregate.. like railway ballast. Now as an SE I should be using some technical terms.. but my best answer is that for Geocell which is pretty much a single size material it just needs "shoogled" into place. Thrashing it to death with say a 10 tonne vibrating roller will just damage it. I've  specified this stuff and the results (feed back) so far are good for the loads I want it to carry.


Goecell is not new in terms of material composition. It's stable, not frost succeptiable for example. It is bulky and a bit of a shit to shovel apparently. The top of it is a bit rough so maybe needs a bit of blinding. I'll leave the last bit out as this is my IP property.


Now @Alan Ambrose for example. The NHBC put a limit on hardcore fill for rafts foundations at 600mm.. and this would apply to say EPS and XPS material on hard core.


I wonder if Goecell have ideas o how thick thierstuff can be? Their stuff is not heave prone, not frost prone and has insultating properties. This has got me thinking.. can we do rafts with lots of Geocell and little if no EPS or EPS where we need to go deep to avoid clay and tree root  heave for example.


Now Geocel is light weigth so on bad ground we dig out some crap stuff and replace with  a lighter structural fill.. now we further reduce the soil loadings.


I'm just chewing the fat here folks but BH is at the cutting edge of things.











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