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Old Septic tank - possibly needs replacing


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We are in the process of purchasing a new home, its a relatively new (22 years old) timber frame house, however the septic tank predates it and was originaly for the old bungalow that used to be there. (Could easily be back from the 1950's)


The septic tank is due to be emptied early October and then a specialist will survey and asses it the following day. 

Its located in the corner of the garden and the soakaway/drainage field is into the neighbouring field (nearest house at least 500m away). The title deeds provide rights to maintain the soakaway, as necessary. This is the last significant query on the purchase, so has the potential to hold things up. We are keen to try and get the purchase completed before end of October, to avoid any nasty suprises in the new Labour budget!


Whats the likelyhood its going to be deemed unfit to meet the General Binding Regulations?


If it doesn't, what sort of cost would we be looking at to have a new waste treatment plant installed instead? (3 bedroom house, 4 of us living there, 2 bathrooms and 1 WC)

Any recommendations on type or manufacturer of treatment systems?

Is there much maintenance required?

How big are these systems and are they in-ground or do we need somewhere to site it?


Thanks in advanced for thoughts on this.


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If the septic is in good order and not leaching out and the soak away is functioning you will probably be OK. Septics must discharge into a drainage field and not any form of ditch or waterway. The rules you have to follow are the General Binding Rules set out by the Environment  Agency. 
If the septic is an old brick one then it is likely it may be leaching out. They don’t last forever.

Drainage fields (soak away) do not last for ever either. They clog with fine silt especially if the septic has not been desludged regularly. If this property has been owned by anyone from or remotely connected to the farming community then it will not have been maintained or desludged correctly. They are all determined that septic tanks work by magic and need no maintenance. 

if you need a new system buy an aeration system that does not have the blower unit mounted in the lid. Do not buy any form of rotating contactor disc or recirculating sludge system. They are crap. You will also need a new drainage field . Budget on £15,000+VAT for the lot, it won’t be much less based on an enquiry I made last year.


I have done a couple myself but they were both over 20years ago and on new build and I can’t recall what the overall cost was. One cost a lot more because of the ground water conditions. One had very benign conditions. 


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2 hours ago, Kuro507 said:


Whats the likelyhood its going to be deemed unfit to meet the General Binding Regulations?



At this remove, other than offer generalisations,  we can't help.  I'd plan on removing the tank and replacing it with a treatment plant.  Either now or at some point in the future . DIY  about £6k, otherwise £10k. Choose the system with the least moving parts. That type uses an air blower(s). 

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2 hours ago, nod said:

I’ve a good friend who replaces several tanks per month He seems to be around 10k plus vat per tank and additional for upgrading drainage field 

He's still fitting new septic tanks, rather than waste treatment plants?

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4 hours ago, Conor said:

Can't comment on price, but assume it needs to be replaced and negotiate a reduction in the purchase price accordingly. This topic comes up all the time, try a search.

I have insisted the Vendor get the survey done, I found a local expert that they have appointed.


If something needs doing, of course its part of a negotiation. The obligation is on the seller to ensure its fit for purpose, or negotiate something with the buyer. Worst case we can meet in the middle, idealy not as generous as that. We are getting the house for a sensible price, but it was based on the assumption of no significant issues being found. 

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6 hours ago, nod said:

I’ve a good friend who replaces several tanks per month He seems to be around 10k plus vat per tank and additional for upgrading drainage field 

I’ve fitted matrix on the last two 

But any that don’t have moving parts are fine 

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