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Wifi current clamp meter

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2 hours ago, SteamyTea said:

As it is a current clamp and your heap pump is an induction load, it will not be that accurate.


Good point. If it is an inverter drive then who knows what the waveform and power factor will be like?


OP would be well advised to check that the proposed device measures true rms power not just infer it from the current, the spec here does not say. Fortunately it appears to have an AC voltage connection so at least there is that possibility.



Edited by sharpener
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Does it really need to be WiFi or do you just want to be able to check. If the later, my ASHP installation came with one of these:




Alternatively, I would love someone braver than me to try out one of these:







Important to not that the first one says in its text that: "Both models have NO overcurrent protection, can not set current ,voltage in APP." The second offers current limiting, but that looks to be via software so not to be relied upon I'd say. Anyway, you need RCBO rather than just MCB function nowadays. Easy to put downstream of an RCBO. Both claim to be CE marked. Form you own risk assessment 🙂


Available as Zigbee too.

Edited by MortarThePoint
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  • 4 months later...

Hi folks, I'm looking for something similar to OP so that I can monitor live power consumption for my Vaillant ASHP - can you share any specific devices you are using?


I want something that I can integrate with Home Assistant. I've already got the MyVaillant app, and my system integrated with Home Assistant. I have the energy consumption data pulling through no problem, but I believe this to be fairly inaccurate since it updates in 1kWh chunks that seem to lag actual usage at a random interval. I'd therefore like to have visibility on live power consumption, which can help to understand the overall dynamics of power distribution in my home.

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36 minutes ago, Dave Jones said:

im using a Neuro wifi CT clamp for the Tesla Powerwall, its what they recommend. Not cheap though.


As someone already pointed out earlier in this thread, a heat pump is an inductive load, for which CT clamps give the wrong power computation. You have to connect a dedicated power meter, or switch everything off except the heat pump and monitor the mains meter for as long as required.

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