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Do the plastic disposable cup test CT1 do in their YouTube vid and be amazed!


- Fill a disposable cup with water

- Slash one side with a Stanley

- Seal up the RUNNING WATER gap


I was impressed.


- Turn the cup around

- Slash the other side 

- Seal it up from THE INSIDE with the nozzle UNDERWATER!


Was really impressed!


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2 hours ago, PeterW said:

@Nickfromwales did you say it was White CT1 that discolours..??

Yup. Colonel custard. You can't have it on show, plus it's a complete bugger to tool up and finish to anywhere near a presentable job. 

Do all the fundemental sealing with clear CT1 ( or Sitxall Crystal Clear which seems to be the same stuff ) and wipe all the excess off and allow to cure. Then, go over this with the coloured silicone of your choice for the aesthetics. Treat that silicone as sacrificial and just peel off when grotty and reapply new accordingly. 

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