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Hello, 2 all who read this, please help.


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Hi, my name is raz and have started my own journey in building home furniture and decorating. i dont have much knowledge to the exterior of a house yet and thats where the problem im writing about is.

I live at a end of terrace house, my neighbor has just started building work at the back of her house. shes planed to extend her kitchen and bathroom, which is fine by us but when her builder came around to break down the (not sure what you call it) garden room which touches our room too. They quietly took off the windows which belong to us. At the time my mum was upstairs and did not hear them doing this and only noticed when their was extra light coming to the kitchen.

When i came home i spoke to the neighbor who didnt have a clue as to why. The next day when i got hold of the main builder, he started giving me stories about how my garden room was over lapping the border of the neighbors property and he had the right to take it down.

I called the architect, who had told me what my neighbor was planing to do and said it shouldnt of happened this way and mention that he would write up a liability letter so if the builder creates anymore damage toward my property, they will fix it. which at the moment sounds okay.

The thing is that i had a 2 meter long window that brought in light during the day, which has been replace by some plastic sheets until the wall my neighbors builder, builds up and by what the architect has said will block my light.

Q. Do i have any say to this or can they do this?

(Adding pictures if that helps)


Thank you.





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12 minutes ago, Raz said:

I called the architect,

Welcome, do you mean the neighbours architect? Not sure about “right to light” if your window was up against the boundary, might be worth looking up on the tinternet!. You said their garden room was touching yours? So how did light come into your window. ?

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14 minutes ago, joe90 said:

Welcome, do you mean the neighbors architect? Not sure about “right to light” if your window was up against the boundary, might be worth looking up on the tinternet!. You said their garden room was touching yours? So how did light come into your window. ?

hi, joe90.

the neighbor had a pvc transparent plastic roof. when they moved in. about 20 -/+ years ago, they replaced it with a thicker sheet.

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If I am understanding this correctly, even if not removed, your window was going to get blocked by the neighbours extension?


The time to have spotted this and objected was when the neighbour applied for planning permission for the extension.


You should have a party wall agreement, others will advice how you go about getting one drawn up at this late stage.

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13 minutes ago, LA3222 said:

What the actual.fook....if I'm reading this correctly some nob cheese builder has decided he has the right to remove your window. On what planet is that OK? Surely this is criminal damage and a matter for the police?

hi, la3222.

ya, thank you.

we've not done anything about it as the architect has give me a liability letter. so the builder will have to fix the damage himself if he or his worker do any more but what concerns me more is the light source i got from the window.

if the neighbor builds a solid roof next to my wall, which blocks my window of nature light, am i f**ked??

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9 minutes ago, ProDave said:

If I am understanding this correctly, even if not removed, your window was going to get blocked by the neighbours extension?


The time to have spotted this and objected was when the neighbour applied for planning permission for the extension.


You should have a party wall agreement, others will advice how you go about getting one drawn up at this late stage.

Hi proDave.

i didnt get any letters of my neighbors planning permission for the extension.

how do i go by checking this? ive checked my councils webpage and cant see anything for their property

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It may be that the neighbour is doing the work under permitted developement rights. However, even if they were, (and therefore did not require planning permission) They would have no right to interfere with your property without your express agreement. If the wall is a party wall, and shared between both properties then they would have rights, but they would need a party wall agreement (This is drawn up by a specialist at your neighbours cost). It sounds like there is no such agreement in place. I would write directly to your neighbour, and send a copy to there architect stating that no further work is permitted untill a Party wall agreement is in place..... If the builder tries to talk to you, tell him to bugger off, and let him know that you are holding him responsible for the damage caused to your property.

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19 hours ago, Raz said:

hi, steamyTea.

Not sure what that means but have heard that before from the architect.

our walls do meet together, if thats what you mean

Party wall act is expensive ( tell me about it ) . Depending on this situation you could ask for some cash settlement whilst keeping everything in writing between you and your neighbor. They probably won’t agree . But the cost of the party wall act can be punishing especially if you cause a fuss about *everything* as the neighbor gets the bill ….

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3 hours ago, Big Jimbo said:

It may be that the neighbour is doing the work under permitted developement rights. However, even if they were, (and therefore did not require planning permission) They would have no right to interfere with your property without your express agreement. If the wall is a party wall, and shared between both properties then they would have rights, but they would need a party wall agreement (This is drawn up by a specialist at your neighbours cost). It sounds like there is no such agreement in place. I would write directly to your neighbour, and send a copy to there architect stating that no further work is permitted untill a Party wall agreement is in place..... If the builder tries to talk to you, tell him to bugger off, and let him know that you are holding him responsible for the damage caused to your property.

Hi, Big jimbo.

Thanks for that.

i did give them a ear full on Saturday, as im living at a end off terrace house and have a garage door. The first guy who needs to pour the cement in the trench holes came to me and told him unless i get apology given to my mother, theirs No entrance to the neighbours garden, he left. then the main builder came, told him about not disturbing us and make a plan to do your work through the property your working at, he left too but No apology.

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Just now, SteamyTea said:

Certainly not written by a solicitor.


Something does not seem right here at all.


I hope you have decent building insurance with legal cover.


Not really, as long as my wall is fixed so i can put my dogs back their as its their room. ill just get a skyline window put in.

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Just now, Raz said:

Not really, as long as my wall is fixed so i can put my dogs back their as its their room. ill just get a skyline window put in.

No.  You may have problems when you come to sell up.


I think your neighbour is doing an illegal extension and thinks that none of the rules apply to them.

Have you checked out that their architect is registered?

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2 minutes ago, SteamyTea said:

No.  You may have problems when you come to sell up.


I think your neighbour is doing an illegal extension and thinks that none of the rules apply to them.

Have you checked out that their architect is registered?

how do i do that? by the way when ever he pops over, hes in joggers and a t shirt

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3 minutes ago, SteamyTea said:

Try this.

An architect, like a medical doctor, needs to be registered to practice (while calling themselves an architect)



im actually on that site right now

i only have his first name. and its showing only one who is living in Cheshire


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