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  1. Go ahead. If you need planning permission they will soon turn up at your door.
  2. https://www.dualchas.com/our-projects/residential Do some tasty work……in my opinion.
  3. It’s not cad but it would do for detailed drawings.
  4. I use Concept App for everything I have done on this forum. Plus Apple Pencil 1 and 2.
  5. 30 minutes FR required to structural steel in a house.
  6. https://www.gov.scot/binaries/content/documents/govscot/publications/advice-and-guidance/2020/02/accredited-construction-details-scotland-2007/documents/accredited-construction-details-scotland-2007/accredited-construction-details-scotland-2007/govscot%3Adocument/Accredited%2BConstruction%2BDetails%2B%28Scotland%29%2B%282007%29%2B%2B.pdf
  7. A DPM is normally placed above the slab and is linked to the DPC in the inner leaf and internal walls. There are numerous sources online - check out TRADA - who will help you with your detailing. The DPC in the outer leaf can - as others have said be placed at a different level to the DPC in the inner leaf - it will be where doors are located.
  8. First things first: Anyone who installs an UVHWS needs to be competent. His/or her ID card will prove this to your BCO. Secondly: Check with your local British Gypsum representative - a standard first floor construction will - in my opinion - not give fire resistance to steelwork within the floor void. I would not accept this argument unless evidence is provided by British Gypsum and to date I have never received this - structural steel within a floor void should be painted with intumescent paint - I can of course be persuaded otherwise.
  9. Where is your floor DPM? The location of the DPC in the cavity will be hard to build/co-ordinate.
  10. 1. Are they architects? 2. Do you have a contract with them? 3. If you do - what does it say about issues you are experiencing? 4. If you don’t - they are probably in violation of several codes of conduct. 5. Check with your mortgage company - a JCT Completion Certificate may be irrelevant - a BC Completion Certificate is more likely to hold more weight. 6. If they are ARB and RIBA members and you are not happy with the service make a complaint. 7. If your mortgage company require some sort of guarantee speak to the NHBC.
  11. In reality on building sites drainage is laid on and back-filled with bedding stone - I rarely see purpose made drainage trenches.
  12. https://www.buildingcontrol-ni.com/assets/pdf/TechnicalBookletN2012.pdf
  13. Minimum cover is 300mm in a garden 600mm in a vehicular accessible area. If less than this cover with a bit of concrete.
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