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ETC last won the day on September 29 2024

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  1. Do not use PIR or polystyrene in an intermediate floor above a garage. You will not get the fire resistance you need. Speak to your local Gypsum rep who will give you a specification for a floor build up that gives you the fire resistance and good thermal resistance.
  2. https://glidevaleprotect.com/app/uploads/2023/03/BS5250-white-paper_FINALAPPROVED_March-2023.pdf
  3. Vent tiles are no good for a roof where the insulation is placed between the rafters - the tile vent will only vent the space that it has been installed in. You should have had a continuous eaves ventilator installed. You really should have ventilated the ridge as well.
  4. Not sure how the google image got BC approval - too much unprotected wall on a boundary.
  5. Brickies with proper training and experience under supervision and with work inspected. As I was told recently “I’m building not buying it” !!
  6. There are Architects and there are those who think they are. I see drawings every single day that most should be thoroughly ashamed of - by both architects and by those who think they are.
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