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Everything posted by caliwag

  1. I haven't read all the posts but are you convinced that the landing has enough headroom? Any scope for a one and a half height extension, giving a 'sun room' off the living space and more space 'upstairs'?
  2. caliwag

    Design Book

    Well thanks for skimming. Sketch and plan views would be a page filler, but my words and thoughts are far more important. When I used to teach architecture, I saw some of my sketches, pinned up at crits. So when teaching interior design (interior architecture) I conveyed my thoughts and ideas with words, adjectives and descriptions. I suggested a dictionary would be far my useful to expand the students' thinking...use of mood, atmosphere, materials etc. Modelling could come later.
  3. Well others on here might venture an opinion...unless you're doing self build and dependent on specification, I guess allow £1500/m2. Must be cheaper and less disruptive than mucking about with semi-extensions and internal works...not to mention the dust and mess.
  4. Hello, You could consider additional accommodation as a pavilion extension...stand alone with a part-glazed link. This could be a new kitchen/diner/dayroom releasing existing space as new bedrooms etc. The Advantages are limited messing with existing and carry out as funds become available. Most of the work can take place independently of existing, without dirt and dust...and freedom to design the kitchen as you want! Budget is tight, bur if you'redoing this as self-build, you might get up to 50m2, depending on kitchen fit-out and quality of detail. Do you have family or mates in the trade? Potential benefits are the spaces in between, glazed or sheltered courtyard and so on, and total control Get the corrugated card out for model-making
  5. A very useful site to visit is greenbuildingforum.co.uk populated by real techy guys and gals and full of discussion about the pros and cons of ASHPs and MVHR systems
  6. As I've posted before, you could do an extension as ,effectively, a stand alone pavilion with a glazed or partially glazed link. Advantages are many...You can out the work with minimal disruption, create interesting courtyard spaces in between, depending on sun angle, could create sun traps, interesting growing spaces, etc up to your imagination. Architecturally, if that interests you, you could be on a winner...depending on your fancy...build some card models based around needs and wants. Enjoy Read my book 'Self build home...the last thing you need is an architect' £5 from Amazon
  7. Ferd...you would have to design the unit to allow for your chosen machine. There's machines out there around 300 high...domestic not commercial affairs. look at Dualit/De longhi for example.
  8. That's great, thanks. Internal windows have immeasurable qualities...transparency, filtered light, sight of other activities, view to where you're going or have been! Sorry no photos of coffee station...I worked it in for a neighbours project but I'm no longer there, sorry. Just big enough for your chosen machine etc
  9. Yes, the coffee station idea was something we worked into the full height 300mm unit, with glazed or frosted doors btw. You are thinking in a working efficient way...how you are keen to use a new kitchen. Try to remember the best and worst aspects of previous kitchens. I don't think there are rules...never enough work space and never the right storage...good luck with it. btw I like the idea of a window at the end of a corridor, but then I do like internal windows, but builders tend to close them off by default
  10. Think the island unit should be elliptical so you don't bang into the corners. I think the kitchen will be a bit short on storage. But I would fill in one of the spaces next to the column with a full height storage unit, perhaps double sided but with glazed doors, for transparency. But only 300 deep storage for 'everyday stuff. There's never enough storage in kitchens for working stuff, especially after you take up space with fridge/freezer/dishwasher, and I hate wall cupboards...they always seem to make a kitchen appear smaller!
  11. Here's something which I always think is the least disruptive approach and in many ways can lead to advantage. Consider additional space as a pavilion extension in the garden, connected with a glazed or partially glazed corridor. Advantages, well minimal disruption to the existing, especially if you are thinking of roof removal. Gives you the chance to create something you really want/need...privacy and reduction of noise between rooms Opportunity for for flexibility as a family changes...granny moves in, kid(s) move back from Uni Opportunity to create interesting 'spaces in between' garden courtyards, sheltered spots and suntraps...if you're not a gardener, think of the gain! All the 'design' benefits touched on in my design book...glimpses to other spaces and activities, creation of daylit spots for workspaces, hobby spaces, you name it...what have you always wanted?...an alpine greenhouse...shelter, ventilation and sunlight (sorry getting subjective there) You can build it or a team can crack on with disruption to the household, and attendant mud! Must be cheaper...discuss Increase of value and resale Get the imagination going...the kids can make flexible card model
  12. You probably know some of my hobbyhorses! I think a generous bay window (off the so-called dining space) could be a breakfast space/casual eating/hobby/workplace benefiting from the the morning sun and view to front door. I agree there seems to be too many windows in the living space, creating overheating issues (facing West) as well as where to put furniture to make it cosy (if that's your bag) Kitchen islands are useful but should be oval in plan to my mind. (to avoid banging hips) You know my views on sinks under windows...in the flat we had I had to climb on the sink to open the window, so a juliette balcony was installed and sink moved sideways! Immeasurable improvement. Kitchen layouts are very subjective, but there never seems to be enough storage for daily kit. I favour a 300mm deep unit, as wide as you like, full height, open or doored (glazed or whatever),double sided access if desirable, perhaps with a coffee station built in mini worktop, to store/get rid of the favourite daily pots, china, cutlery, spices...you list whatever you need. This unit could even be on casters (am I being silly now?) I think stairs off the kitchen are allowed if to only one other floor, not an attic...while since I've been involved in regs...mind, kitchen smells might be an issue. I could go on, but that's my first thoughts...it is all very personal surely
  13. Aye, a wise move, tradition has any 'hall' as an indoor/outdoor space ideally with an outdoor surface like York stone. As I mentioned I think the rural Spanish and trad South Korean builders (no doubt amongst other nations) always has an indoor/outdoor transition, as mentioned in the some of the books I reference in my notes to 'Self build home...the last thing you need is an architect'. This is a set of design notes not damning architects but to encourage you to base your design decisions on tried and tested methods from history and often other cultures. Particular reference is made to A pattern Language by Chris Alexander and others, Arthur Martin's guide, The Small House (both recommended) and an article in the Architectural Review, from the 80s journal by Peter Blundell Jones on traditional South Korean Houses....to name three. It'a all down to your (or your designer's) observation and experience. Good luck and happy designing...Jamie
  14. Well, I cited an example, above, of materials and varying trades, meeting in a dormer construction...in that case the poster resorted to the forum readers for some solutions...fair enough: don't recall any feedback. To be honest every fitting out job where more than one trade or material meet up, requires consideration and at least a scale sketch...plainly trades people with experience will resolve such situations with varying degrees of success. A client wanted a fitted seating area in a bay window, along with some side shelves, so this required some drawings to resolve varying heights, then how fabric met up with a ceramic tiled back (for example)...sure you can work it out as you go along but that may involve ripping out some work to adjust. Some architects (fussy you may say) hated cover strips (which frankly are a bodge to hide an ill-considered junction ). My boss would at the design stage would say of a detail 'if you can do without a line (in construction detailing)your winning'...he would secretly randomly inspect detail drawings. I can cite more, but I'm sure you catch the drift, and can think up your own situations.
  15. Yes, you could do that. The hallway idea is hangover from Edwardian times, and earlier, when a hall acted as a reception room for people visiting but not necessarily welcomed into the family room...business people and the like...the hall even was equipped with a coal fire and comfortable seating and small table and side lamps. Indeed you could still use it as such or as an office, but encourage every day visitors to use the back door into a tidy utility! Depends how you use your house. People tend to use entrance halls to stop draughts and keep order to outdoor gear and skateboards! In my limited experience traditional Spanish and South Korean homes to retain 'reception' rooms for just such events.
  16. Well indeed that's true. I recall several years ago on the old e-build forum where someone posted their problem of how to face a dormer that they'd had half built. They were asking the forum members how to face it neatly and in a maintenance-free and waterproof way. I'm afraid I just responded in an exasperated way 'but this is why we do detail drawings'...how things join...with elegance or whatever, but to keep the rain out and the heat in, surely. and it's the same in all decisions...indeed who cares?
  17. Yes...I would say design has to be detailed consideration of all aspects. Sounds abstract, but if you don't consider how things join...spaces, planes, materials, surfaces, structure to finishes, edges to edges and so on (fill in to your own taste) you'll just get what a tradesman, joiner, plasterer thinks is easy or looks OK...believe me I have worked on projects where that's happened...costs nothing to ask 'What did you want to happen here then?' In terms of light, it rather depends if you want sunlight/dappled light/constant shade/avoidance of glare/fading of fabric or paintings and so on. In my design notes, Self Build Home...the last thing you need is an architect, I suggest several considerations like use/retention of internal windows (surprise/transparency/visual benefits/communication/reflection) rather than 'oh just brick it up)...Design consideration! I recommend at early design stage, you consider potential sill heights in a room...the room you're in now. What is the feel of a room with a 5 feet above floor sill height as opposed to near floor level...one hell of a lot I would venture (consideration at design stage). Likewise what is the effect of a bay or oriel window be on a room or landing? I recall a colleague of mine telling me he would never use ceiling/roof windows again because of the draught created by heat-loss through the window...fun they might at first seem, but similarly a friend insisted on a velux in a bedroom despite having two french windows and juliette balconies, but then complained the rain kept her awake! Therefore, design is all about consideration or you'll just get bad workmanship or fashion statements....or both
  18. caliwag

    Design Book

    As far as I can see, a Kindle edition is available...£5, if there is demand I can arrange to organise print copies for future...Jim
  19. caliwag

    Design Book

    Thanks, but that's weird...was that for the e-book? I shall make enquiries
  20. Yes, I know the book and admired Beth, but thanks Peter
  21. Can anyone recommend a rock garden design book please. Ideally not North American. Thanks, Jim
  22. As I might have mentioned, there's no real division of contents of the book, really a series of thoughts, comments, replies to earlier forum queries and questions as well as a few reviews of architects books of their own thinking and works. There are not that many that suggest design advice, just coffee table glories with big colour snaps. I taught (or assisted) students in design and interiors for 7 years and helped the thinking and detailing on the works at St Pancras International for 8 years, but that's another story. The printed version of the book is over 200 pages but the e -book has been compressed to a bit less., but hey it's rather cheaper to produce! There are also a few reproductions of blogs, but not the ensuing conversations. Ha Some chapterettes... Fortune Favours the Prepared mind...always carry a notebook for inspirational jottings A picture is worth a thousand words A scrapbook or annotated portfolio of images...your likes and dislikes Survey, analyse, propose...description of a logical approach to design decisions Never judge a book Thresholds and entrances Kitchens and all that goes with them Relationship of rooms...crudely put. An approach to layout making Character and Value...fairly vital stuff Gardens...Design and Relationship with House Transparency...Bays and Oriels etc Details and Joining...important...to preempt that 'How the hell do we get round that?' question. My St Pancras experience came into ts own there. Windows (not the computer ones) Transparency and Character...both again, but further thoughts The National Garden Scheme...a useful means of seeing how others done things...and the cakes are good and it is for charity Extension as a pavilion Cat skinning...nothing to do with a fish, but breaking down different ways to form houses. Clue,there are only really 5 Right, there's more but you get the drift I hope. There are not many books, guides, approaches like this...Some of this may have been nicked by now...oh well...good luck all You can contact me (Jim) on lofthousestudio@hotmail.com
  23. caliwag

    Design Book

    Yes. Thanks for reply. Home Builders Bible is an excellent 'How to' and 'What to watch out for' splendidly practical, as I recall. My book is a nice-to-have design book...full of design thinking 'how things join' ' how planes meet' 'how spaces might collide' I guess...all to your benefit really. Watching out for lost opportunities.I leave such things entirely up to you...your interpretation!
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