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Jason L

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Everything posted by Jason L

  1. thank you, ill have to get some start of the build pics up
  2. i was thinking of using 50mm wide x 25 is that ok ?
  3. thank you, its important as I'm butting up to an existing building and it needs to line through with it. Im planning on using STS construction board, and leave a gap at the top to ventilate it, and i guess it needs a gap anyway to allow the timber frame to shrink. ta
  4. Hi all, i been busy get my build underway, which has been a bit stressful. I have a question about battens, the construction - Timber frame, 9mm OSB vertical battens to create a ventilated cavity, 12mm render carrier board, and render on the outside. I had in my head all the time the battens to form the cavity are 38mm deep, but i have drawn all the drawings with them 25mm deep,... the question is, is a 25mm deep ventilated cavity ok behind the render carrier board, or does it have to be 38mm ? Thanks J
  5. Isn’t there a planning condition which states that it needs to be completed within 3 years ? it sound like you may be best getting and Architect to do the building regs drawings and submit an application.
  6. Hi, i have that there to reduce the cold bridging at that point, and picked the Marmox over another one that i looked at because it has a rebated joint rather than a butt joint, which i think helps lock them together better and form a better joint.
  7. What about DPC like this with a cavity try over and do away with the external lower dpc
  8. Is the orange mesh in the top coat, that looks like it barely has any cover on it ?
  9. Does the door frame overlap the cavity closer adequately, and is the gap around the frame filled with either compriband or the foam ?
  10. so for example the ground floor ceilings need to provide half hr resistance to the first floor, they need to be fire rated type
  11. So do the ceiling Mvhr valves where you have a timber floor and accommodation above need to be a fire rated type, it crossed my mine the other day that they should be, but when I was on the phone to BPC and asked, he said they don’t ? ta
  12. So i have redone the detail with a concrete slab, and it all looks much more sensible now, does away with the awkward air brick detail and it should be quicker and easier to build thanks for the suggestion. Any ideas for the facing of the exposed section of block / thermoblock, other than brick slips, its dark grey render at the moment.
  13. cheers ? yours was a bit of a nightmare, i bet that was a bit stressful. im going to look at a traditional slab, with the view to maybe adding a bit more insulation
  14. i will have a look a concrete slab or raft solution instead, i have not had any dealings with a passive slab before, is that something that has to be designed and laid by specialists ?
  15. ahh it never really crossed my mind to not have beam and block, maybe a traditional concrete slab, maybe easier, it will certainly overcome the under floor ventilation thing!
  16. i cant see any other way tbh, what problems can it lead to ?
  17. sorry, the proper insulation hatch doesnt work very well for the 25mm thk pir when plotted at a smaller scale
  18. cheers, i probably should have said, its 140mm of Recitcel Eurothane GP between the studs and 25mm of it on the inside
  19. here is the air brick detail, the SAP guy worked the walls out to 0.13 u-value.
  20. Morning, what do you think to my wall / floor junction ? its a timber frame with K-render on a carrier board on the outside and internally it has 25mm pir insulation, services void and plaster board. I have shown the beam and block floor on a DPc, bit is this even needed anymore, is it a old detail carried over from when timber floors were used ? Below the DPC on the outside i have the render carrier board and dark grey K-render to cover the Thermoblock and blockwork ( have been told its ok to use below the DPC ) ..... has anyone got any other ideas for a sheet material to use to face it below the DPC ? Thanks
  21. plus have you got a good insulated air tight loft hatch ?
  22. It looks like there is insulation on the outside of the frame, which should be a ventilated cavity.
  23. dont vent it then, but is BCO officer asking for it as the dormer isnt adequately ventilated? its best to get clarification from them exactly why he wants the whole roof done, .. your Architect should really be dealing with it for you.
  24. They are kinda all right, you don't have to ventilate it with a breather membrane, so a 25m air gap is ok, but if it is a ventilated roof, it should be a 50mm air gap. however i guess you can go with the 25mm air gap and add vents it as an extra precaution.
  25. Thanks for your comments it’s a timber a frame and I’ll talk to them about it, I do keep wondering what stops a timber frame from blowing away ! Ref beams there will be one over the middle of the kitchen, and the other side of that it’s a vaulted ceiling, that’s the only place I can see being an issue getting the duct to the dining room. Cheers.
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