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  1. Living with the in-laws I canโ€™t not afford you Nick ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  2. Good advice from Nick & very generous offer of help. There will be a solution, Iโ€™m sure the heat pump can be run without the thermostat. The most important thing to do is PM me Nicks number once you get it, I need to start my plumbing very soon & I need him on speed dial ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  3. Yes, it is basically opaque straight out of the tube. Itโ€™s neutral rather than clear.
  4. Not even sure I understand ๐Ÿ˜‚ Could you put a plastic pipe in the cored hole, plaster up to & around, then fill the plastic pipe with expanding foam?
  5. Donโ€™t suppose you have the core that was drilled? Could glue it back in place. You could fill the hole with stone & mortar.
  6. What is on the drawings? I would of expected pir infill of the rsj before the osb.
  7. Soudal Silirub 2 in neutral is what I use for sealing around exterior, windows etc.
  8. I used BPC for my last house, Vent Axia. Used CVC for the new build, Brink.
  9. I wonder if would turn? Possibly anticlockwise?
  10. Pretty sure it will just prize off, small bit of plastic (credit card) to lever off gently.
  11. Is that an Internorm door? if you look at the end of the door, there will be lots of screws holding the gear/mechanism. Be worth taking it out but the handle will need to come off first & pull the spindle out.
  12. Overthinking it ๐Ÿ˜‰ I used tiling battery to create the air gap but it also allows you to stick the insulation to the batten with silicone, make sure your insulation is good tight fit between the rafters, use airtight foam on the wall plate etc.
  13. Cut the bottom of the sheet of insulation at 45 degrees so it sits on the wall plate, (eaves end) marked on your photo.
  14. I used off cuts of tiling batten to create the air gap, 45 the bottom of the insulation so it sits on the wall head.
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