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Omnibuswoman last won the day on April 23 2024

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About Omnibuswoman

  • Birthday 06/04/1974

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  • Location
    East Cornwall

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  1. An inspiring testament to the benefits of working very hard and paying attention to detail. Looks fantastic!
  2. I’ve just completed the survey Cem. I noticed a typing error as follows:
  3. @BotusBuild I’ll take your used paint pots! V handy for storing things in the shed away from the mice.
  4. Taking an alternative view, why do you need UFH at all in a house with such a low heat demand? We considered all of the options, and found that the cost of installing UFH and ASHP would not be recouped by the savings we would make. Our heat demand is (in theory) 1.8kw at -4C outside. I’m using one 2kw oil filled rad in the ground floor hallway, and a greenhouse heater (300W) in the open plan area. Both have an integral thermostat. It is noticeably and consistently warm in the house - every time someone comes round they comment on the warmth - yet it’s only 19.5C. Our old Edwardian flat with gale force drafts and single skin brick walls had to be kept at 21.5C to feel bearable. We have OIG 7p overnight which I use for the hot water tank. Solar panels supplement the daytime electricity demand. You may be better off with a minimal cost low tech heating solution if the house is as highly insulated and air tight as you are aiming for.
  5. I remember the last time this lot were in, and the Future Homes standard was put into legislation, raising air tightness and insulation standards for new houses, with a 7 year lead-in time for the house building industry to adapt. Due to commence in 2015, Cameron’s govt scrapped it just before it was due to start. Presumably due to some effective lobbying from men in sharp suits on behalf of the house building industry… imagine - 10 years of houses built to a standard of efficiency that would be instantly suitable for heat pump based heating. What a political disgrace that we are a decade down the line, and no further forward.
  6. @SteamyTea I don’t, but I do get hiccups when I’m hungry!
  7. We have this every time we go out to the shed and back in again!
  8. Oh I see, thanks for clarifying. I had misunderstood that this was PP for an extension at the back of the house only.
  9. I’m not sure that I understand why, when the front wall came down, it was rebuilt with the front door and window openings in a different place?
  10. i think this will be my first port of call!
  11. where do I place the probes??
  12. No, they are both on the same inverter. I have an app that allows me to choose how to use the batteries (to the extent that I understand what to do). I can charge them from the grid overnight at a cheap rate, then they will discharge during the day to supplement supply.
  13. Could one of you signpost me to an idiots guide to basic electrical knowledge pls? I honestly can’t have been listening in my GCSE physics class as I don’t have even the most basic understanding, beyond that multiplying voltage by amps equals power. The problem has clearly worsened the less load I have put on the system - I was aiming for @SteamyTea levels of daytime usage, and that seems to be correlated to the problem. What I don’t understand is why that is…
  14. I could have a look at the instructions and find out if I can do that. I don’t have a clamp, and even if I did I wouldn’t have a clue what to do with it 😂
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