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  1. You could smoke something to fix that, or we could...
  2. Our overall electricity demand curve this month up to yesterday shows some successful load shifting for DHW at least: https://www.earth.org.uk/heat-pump-16WW-control.html#2024-12-20 Load profile over 2020-12-01 to 2020-12-19 inclusive, gross and net/imported. DHW consumption spikes starting at 07:40 and 19:10 are clearly visible.
  3. If at some point the current grid intensity is less than half its average over the last week, then I am claiming that filling my storage boots now is the same as (in CO2 emissions terms) using the heat pump with a CoP of ~2 at some random point during the last week. Similarly looking forward a couple of days. We are all aware (eg including @Ed Davies!) that there is some contention about that reading, though maybe less so now that constraining excess renewables for reasons other than transmission is becoming more of a thing. In any case I take very low relative grid carbon intensity (and no drawdown from grid storage, aka "supergreen") to be indicative of abundant low-carbon generation and minimal strain on the transmission and distribution system, so a good time also to fill boots. How should I have worded those paras better in my talk?
  4. I gave a talk last night on how my heating system is developing... https://www.earth.org.uk/home-heat-carol.html
  5. Everything seems to be working nicely. I have captured current settings/configuration. I shall do some tweaking over the next few days. Nothing major by the looks of it, certainly less than I had expected. One thing that I wanted to do does not seem possible (schedule/clock AND external call for heat) but I can live without it, as the external call is reasonably well-behaved. https://www.earth.org.uk/heat-pump-16WW-control.html
  6. I'm a fossil - a greybeard that doesn't have long to wait for a bus pass...
  7. Gas supply is capped, so fossil-free at home (other than me!)...
  8. I don't know. I think that the lead may be independent and the rest employees, judging in part by the branding or lack of on their vans.
  9. Direct link: https://www.earth.org.uk/Octopus-heat-pump-journey.html#2024-11-21
  10. Internal prep works today including removing the existing cupboard, disconnecting the Sunamp Thermino, and threading round a new T+E from the Eddi heater 2 output for the Thermino in the new control scheme...
  11. Modest external groundworks for the heat pump were completed on Friday morning, so it seems this is really going ahead! I have turned off (low-carbon) grid boost to the Thermino ready for the system to be rearranged...
  12. Here is the proposed integration: https://www.earth.org.uk/Octopus-heat-pump-journey.html#2024-10-31
  13. On Monday I had a pre-installation visit to discuss details of trenching and other prep works, for a planned install next month. We often don't put our heating on until December, so I may have already done my last space heating with gas in this house. Consumption has been tiny since April: https://www.earth.org.uk/saving-electricity-2024.html I am developing a scheme for re-integrating the Sunamp and Intasol with the heat-pump DHW which I think might work well (treating the DHW cylinder as if it is a combi in this arrangement, with the DHW cylinder being 1st priority for Eddi diversion/boost output, Sunamp 2nd),
  14. Are you being paid a FiT? That may be at risk if you change the panels.
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