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Wayleaves and electricity lines



Not surprisingly, I've been pondering the dilemma of the overhead electricity lines near/over my proposed garage.  I'm still waiting to hear back from MBC and I suspect my request for a call has got lost in the works somewhere, so I will chase it up. 


In the meantime, I've decided to take another course of action in parallel as, given the choice, I would very much prefer the overhead lines not to be there, or at least not so close.  The immediate thought that comes to mind is £££££.  As many of us know, anything to do with moving electricity supplies tends to be expensive.  This is a slightly different case to the usual one, however, in that the overhead cables don't supply me or my property so I'm not over that particular barrel.  On the deeds to my property is a copy of a fairly ancient wayleave agreement, made in 1958 between the then land owner and what was the Southern Electricity Board.  The key term here is "wayleave". If it were an easement, I would really be in a spot of bother, as an easement is agreement made in perpetuity, as the legal bods like to call it.  To us laypeople, that means forever.  So, the fact that I have a wayleave is a good start.


So what's so good about a wayleave, then?  Well, I can serve notice to the electricity board that I am going to terminate it and they have 3 months to do something about it or respond in some way.  That's not to say that the response will be the one I want, but it gets the ball rolling.  It seems that this not an uncommon request from developers and farmers and there is a well laid out process for it so I shall get things started today - no time like the present and all that.


I will update as and when, but my knowledge is sparse at the moment so I shan't go into too much detail that may be a load of rubbish.


Once more unto the breech!


Quick update: of course, everything has been done before on BH!  Here's a link to a previous thread for Lucy Murray's build in Scotland but with English cases cited from Peter Stark.  Just love this place!

Burying electricity supply


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@vivienz I made a late comment on your previous post but this is now more similar to my situation where I made them move their wires back in 2013.


Can you PM me a pic of your Wayleave please and I can see if I can see anything helpful. 


I did this to move my lines. Ours was also a 1950s agreement. We probably saved 6 figures in our case ... as it as planning for an estate. Yours is hopefully less drastic.


There is a detailed resource thread here copied from Buildhub, which I hope you found via the other.



Edited by Ferdinand
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I must ask my neighbour how his situation ended. He has the "Dounereay line" passing over his garden on a temporary wayleave.  About 2 years ago he served the 1 year notice to have it removed.  It is still there and indeed they have done some upgrade work on it.  I suspect there was a settlement involving ££££ to keep it.

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I did come across that website in my initial research.  I think that we'll be able to get the garage built, but long term it would be good to have those cables moved, so I will see what the wayleave officer has to say next week.

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