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Hi all,


I'm currently looking at designs from my architect and am trying trying to decide on the location of the downstairs toilet.


The existing foul drainage is on the left of the house (see attached sketch). The current design has a utility room on the left side, with a new non foul drain joining up with the existing drain. It also has a toilet on the right hand side, and this would presumably need new foul drainage pipe being laid in the ground around the side and front of the house to join up with the existing foul drainage. This would a be distance of around 13m.


My question is - can anyone suggest a ball park figure of

1) how much it would cost to dig/install the new foul drain from the toilet on the right side to the existing drain? It would be installed under what is currently mostly a gravel driveway.

2) how much would we save if we swapped the locations of the utility and the toilet, so that the new 13m drain was non-foul (i.e. washing machine drainage) only?


Thanks so much for any assistance.







It would cost exactly the same. 


If it had a washing machine discharge in to it, it would need 100mm underground pipe bedded in gravel and laid to the correct fall

if it had a toilet discharge in to it exactly the same.  

You will still need to dig down to the level to find your main foul run so it doesn’t matter what you put down it it is the same spec. 

A foul drain. 

The only thing that isn’t a foul drain is rainwater. 


Thanks all. Please excuse my ignorance. Not quite sure how I got the wrong end of that stick.


Would it make a difference if we had a shower in with the toilet - would we need a different (larger) pipe?


Thanks again


43 minutes ago, PeteTheSwede said:


Would it make a difference if we had a shower in with the toilet - would we need a different (larger) pipe?

No difference - the pipe size wouldn’t change.

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