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She's Up! (Juliette that is) : but how tight should - -


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- - her fixings be? 


I've always avoided messing about with glass. And here I am just fitted 90Kg of pure joy (lots of Brownie points from SWMBO) glass Juliet. Looks well.

Hell, I even measured out the holes correctly - all four fixing points lined up a treat .




And then it came to tightening the bolts on the four fixings. Suddenly I had a fit of the vapours. Knowing my ability to FooketyFookItUpAtTheLastMoment, I thought it is perfectly possible to overtighten everything and BANG -  a @Pocster glass-fook-oop moment.


I looked for the fitting instructions - none. I went back to the manufacturer to ask. Zippo. I looked for guidance from the fittings manufacturer. Nowt.


How tight do I tighten the

  • point fixings (the ones that go through the glass)
  • the nuts on the threaded M10 that goes through the wall



Thanks. Here's the original thread if needed

Edited by ToughButterCup
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I would say BEFORE you tighten the glass fixing nuts, you first ensure all 4 are at the same level, so when you tighten the glass you are not bending it.  If the 4 fixings are not level, then correct that first.

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1 hour ago, ProDave said:

....you first ensure all 4 are at the same level, so when you tighten the glass you are not bending it.  .....


The fixings are all level within the thickness of a laser line.

But - that really important word - but - the wall isn't as vertical as I would like it. My rendering is a  bit  erm.... 'out'. I have compensated where necessary by using a half-thickness nut : and if like me you need cheap specs to see anything these days, the bubble on the level appears moderately vertical.


If I take my specs off I can't see the bubble: at best I see two or sometimes three: if its windy my eyes are so full of tears that it's not worth guessing whether its vertical or level.

Which is where the aural feedback from my laser level is just the job for me - 'til I go deaf I suppose.


25 minutes ago, SteamyTea said:

Are the black things passivehaus catflaps


Don't mention cats to me. With three young tomcats knocking about the scaffolding like drunken trapeze artists, and a spot laser level which projects four points (1 up 1 down, 1 left 1 right) and a 90kg bit of glass being heaved about the place ... 


They learned to steer clear of me just in time. Just before they would have needed a trip to the vet.

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I’m sure the fixings have plastic or rubber ‘washers’ so no part of the metal fixing actually touches the glass, no? Assume that’s toughened and, say, 10mm so properly strong? If you don’t wrench on it like a crazy person, you’ll be fine. I would do firm finger tight and then 1/2 a turn to be gentle. Are they pig-nosed, I can’t see?

Edited by Alan Ambrose
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'.... are they pig-nosed ....'.  an interesting question. Wish I knew the answer.


Each point-fitting cap has a single blind hole in it , about 5mm deep - I've assumed that's for a pin to tweak the cap a bit tighter. 


But tell those of us who don't know whassa pig-nosed dooberry? 



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