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Dimmer issues


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Just installed a new dimmer .

Never noticed this so assume the problem wasn’t there after install .

Turn lights off ; 1 light stays a bit on . Notice it’s last and first to power up before the others . Led failing ??

Photo of lights off 


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10 hours ago, Pocster said:


Seems like the outgoing live on that switch is letting a small amount of current flow. Which is being used for the smart feature, which is in turn lighting the Downlight. 


Is a bit like those switches with a neon, that send a bit of current through. 


I remember someone on here using a resister behind the switch to negate the issue. Can't remember who though

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44 minutes ago, Pocster said:

Checked it just now and it’s off !

Turned it on off a few times and was fine …

Perhaps the rogue current your smart switch draws reduces once it's storage capacitor is charged, so it is only an issue when the switch is first connected from new?

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  • 3 weeks later...

How bright is it when it's meant to be off? Hard to tell in the photo.


If a dim/medium glow then yes its probably capacitive coupling between live and switched live or similar. A bypass capacitor should sort it. They go in parallel with the light. Only usually need one to fix multiple bulbs on same circuit.


If its full or near full brightness then it's possibly a wiring fault of some sort?

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8 hours ago, Temp said:

How bright is it when it's meant to be off? Hard to tell in the photo.


If a dim/medium glow then yes its probably capacitive coupling between live and switched live or similar. A bypass capacitor should sort it. They go in parallel with the light. Only usually need one to fix multiple bulbs on same circuit.


If its full or near full brightness then it's possibly a wiring fault of some sort?

It’s dull . Say 25% of max . Doesn’t always do it though . I believe capacitor can be fitted at the switch . Neutral to earth ( or something like that …. )

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