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Internal door locks.

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New build, front door and back door. 

Should locks have a thumb turn lock for escape in a fire. 


Im sure I read that the security regs state something about no keys to be kept in locks beside a window or something. 

Can anybody point me to this one. 


Or what are the regs regarding thumb turns. 


Both my doors have turned up without thumb turns and both doors comply or comply with the new security regs. 


Would like a bit bit more info before I talk to BC or the door company. 

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only 'Entrance' doors need thumb locks and it only says 'should' not must.


https://nhbc-standards.co.uk/6-superstructure-excluding-roofs/6-7-doors-windows-and-glazing/6-7-8-security/#:~:text=Entrance doors of individual homes,the door or its frame


The bog standard eurocylinder lock can be replaced in 2 mins for a thumbturn (£15 screwfix).


Ive never had BCO pick up on it ever though and have allways had a key multipoint lock.

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