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Just for fun: here is the square-and-triangle tiling


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23 minutes ago, ProDave said:

Bottom left 2 white triangles, bottom right, 2 blue triangles.  Should be the same.

Exactly (though I'd call that color "green", and my more civilized friends call it "teal"). Also, one of the bottom-right white triangles should be teal (again to keep symmetry - both left-right and top-bottom).

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The contractor was remarkably fast (and I'd say he's done a good job). Planning, though, took more days than I'm ready to confess. I chose all the colors by hand - they don't really have a mathematical significance. The triangle-square pattern is in fact significant (https://tilings.math.uni-bielefeld.de/substitution/square-triangle/) and perhaps because of that wasn't so hard for me to do (I hacked up the Python routines to produce Latex/TikZ code within a day).

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Update for the sake of fairness: these turn out to be flaws in the design I sent the contractor last week. I had corrected when preparing a hi-res version with the architect - which she never sent to him in the end, or at least not on time. Since there is no mathematical meaning to the colors, and the errors, being on the edges, don't break the effect of symmetry, I think I'll just let the matter drop. I think it's nice as it is.


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1 hour ago, SteamyTea said:

For your next project, try some pointillism, then maybe work up to chromo-luminarism.

Or just spend a week at Park Güell with a bag of drugs for company. Antoni Gaudí knew a bit about tiling.

As does our @pocster, would set his OCD off bigtime.

The cause of ocd is tiling 

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1 hour ago, Mr Punter said:

The side panels are not mirror symmetrical with the colours.  Is that on purpose?

That's on purpose - the central circle (including the central panel but extending onto the sides) has D_6 (dihedral group) symmetry, but outside the circle I can do what I want. I thought it would be interesting to color things very freely outside the circle, emphasizing patterns rather attempting a 3-coloring.

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