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Sun pipes with good u value recommendations


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I've got a small hall with no windows and a flat roof. I'm looking for a low profile roof light which won't show, perhaps triple glazed?  if there is such a thing (Conservation Area) or maybe it's a risk? Google isn't very helpful, does anyone have recommendations please?

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Does it need to be a sun pipe? There are quite a lot of regular roof lights around. The key is to find a good installer as its important to get the upstand built correctly to the manufacturers spec so it doesn't leak.


They can be made less than 150mm high which is the normal allowance before Planning Permission is needed. See page 38..






Source: https://toughenedglasssystems.co.uk/product/skylights-rooflights-1000-1000/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA4L2BBhCvARIsAO0SBdYDHw4pi1LTL9uE49WF2s7X-UEy1KGVPUxOO5Y4Yf-2WbykSDWT_r8aAtZUEALw_wcB

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Yup, the lot:    Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England), no development as specified in Schedule 2, Part 1, Class A, B, C, D, E, F and G shall be undertaken without the prior consent, in writing, of the Local Planning Authority.

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14 hours ago, SteamyTea said:

Can you make a periscope that pokes out the side, maybe built into a porch.

Yes, they work in any orientation.

Only two mirrors directing the light after all.

You can get posh and incorporate some lensing by distorting the mirrors.

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3 minutes ago, Jilly said:

I might be able to make something with mirrors. The door has to be solid and I can have a proper porch (see above) but will have a bit of overhang. Thank you 

Easy enough to knock up a prototype and see what it performs like.

Just get a white plastic bag to act as a diffuser.

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