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What a difference a day makes

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Nice work if you can get it!  Looks about as active as the archaeologist on our last build, although the day she was there it was tipping down.  She looked like a drowned rat by the end of the day:D.

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We have to pay her to stand there, 'continuous monitoring' they call it. 

When the digging stops, we'll see some serious trowel action. She thinks there is evidence of a stone wall. Could date back to 1950. How this is adding to the sum of human knowledge is beyond me.

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Hey Richard, good to see you're making progress, looking good!  We also had to have an archaeologist, she got really excited when the digger uncovered the remains of some fence posts. Yes and they cost us about £1800. Total waste of time... jobs for the boys!!!

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So far, so good Terry (welcome back by the way). We winched up the trees overhanging the drive using ratchet straps (just as well we did - the skip lorry just got under one branch).

The dry weather helps. Getting 20 tonners up and down might be a different matter.

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I was being ironic, but can now say what's turned up.

They've unearthed a stone drain - in reality 2 rows of stones with a lid of stones on top. Origin unknown, but probably late 19th Century. Doesn't look at all much to me, but the someone from the County Archaeologist team wants it all recording - drawings, photos, measurements, depths etc.

This has taken a further day and there will be 2 of them tomorrow. It is also holding us up a bit as we're having to work round them.

Stone drain.JPG

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2 hours ago, JanetE said:

Hey Richard, good to see you're making progress, looking good!  We also had to have an archaeologist, she got really excited when the digger uncovered the remains of some fence posts. Yes and they cost us about £1800. Total waste of time... jobs for the boys!!!


2 hours ago, TerryE said:

Let's get this one right -- jobs for the girls in this case :D

How is the lane standing up? 


woah woah woah there guys, we will have no sexism around here!

It is clearly a job for any person of any race, sex or belief that fancies being a professional PITA


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Thank Jan. Looks like we're on for £1800 too. We are using the same firm - perhaps that becomes the standard cost?

It's the total disinterest they have in interrupting the construction process that also bugs me. They made us excavate / reduce levels to our garage right at the front of the plot, and didn't find anything. This will be built last, so now we have to backfill it with stone, which will then have to come out when we build the garage.  When I pointed this out to them, they had no response.

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On 24/05/2016 at 20:42, RandAbuild said:

They made us excavate / reduce levels to our garage right at the front of the plot, and didn't find anything. This will be built last, so now we have to backfill it with stone, which will then have to come out when we build the garage.

Richard, this isn't so bad is it? You have to put a temporary base down in front of your house anyway that can take the crane and other plant needed for the build.  We've had to do this at the front of our house, and it will all get stripped off to roughly 30cm below ground level when we done -- to make room for the decent topsoil in the case of the lawn / garden side and for the SUDS gravelling and pavier layers on the drive side.  Such is life. 

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Hi Terry

No it's not so bad. We'll fill it with stone for now and top it off with Type 1. Setting out the trenches tomorrow, BCO on Wednesday and concrete on Thursday / Friday.

Looks like it's going to be wet tomorrow though - bit of a change from Friday!


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