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Everything posted by Jilly

  1. You could also get a dehumidifier, Meaco are good. You can buy packs of humidistats on Amazon cheaply to put in each room so you can monitor things.
  2. Very difficult to be sure tbh, but at that price, I would get a couple of other quotes, to see if it is fair for your area. Or as Dave suggested, buy the materials yourself and project manage it with people on day rates.
  3. Random thoughts: A chimney sweep would clear it. Don’t forget to wear a dust mask (asthma sufferer here!). The Period House Manual is very useful for learning how insulation works in old houses. If there are cold spots which could get condensation, using breathable sheep’s wool can hold water then slowly let it evaporate might help. Rock wool is also breathable, so would be better than spray foam, I think? Others might comment. I like access panels to see what’s going on (insulate behind) in difficult places. I also have a cheap little endoscope for investigations. Old houses always seem to have wtf moments as you try to work out what previous builders and occupants have done, and jobs seem to be bigger than you thought to rectify. Be mindful of asbestos and get anything suspect tested. A dehumidifier can be very useful and a few hygrometers.
  4. The other option is to stay in the static, go slow and ‘build as you earn’. It’s not for everyone though.
  5. I know the feeling: my builders used the wrong strength blocks under the block and beam in my extension. Once I realised, I made them dismantle their work and use the correct ones, despite their protestations that it was ‘fine’. As with your error, I realised in good time, and the situation was recoverable. It’s frustrating on so many levels, but there are some things which you can let go and some things you can’t, (which is why I have wonky plastering). On a windy site what you are describing would trigger my alarm bells.
  6. Look at ‘How a planner got Planning’ on here, it’s very useful. Could you consider building something small (ie ‘affordable’) and maybe extending later? Not all planning consultants are made equal. Try to get recommendations.
  7. My mantras: Recognise and seize opportunities. Nothing lasts forever. Protect the downsides. What’s important? What is negotiable and what isn’t? Analyse the feelings you want. What’s this really about? Pain recedes.
  8. It’s a bit bonkers, there can be all manner of vehicles of a site on a busy day.
  9. I was always worried about complaints and so blanked as much as I could with black painted ply where the hedges were thin. Developers do this (or with branding) on a lot of sites in London for screening rather than Heras. if they were really worried, they would refer it to Health and Safety, so double check you comply, perhaps?
  10. Why not just build a small detached property on your plot? I can’t see many people would want to be in this situation unless they owned both properties, so as others have alluded, expect them to want compensation.
  11. Have you thought about a compost loo? Much better than the blue stinky thing 😊
  12. If it’s highways costs, are you also having an electric connection? I had to pay each service to close the road and then was reimbursed by the water co because they shared the trench. They won’t set it up differently because of the jeopardy, so at my risk.
  13. Sorry, I was going off piste. I was meaning that we didn't have to have a SAP certificate or to comply with part M for example. I was surprised, and would also that check this has not changed.
  14. There should have been an insulation inspection requested before boarding out which could have picked up the error… BC will come out fairly quickly, so that’s annoying to find out. Only rely on photo evidence if you know the inspector and they have explicitly said they are happy with this and what they are expecting to be demonstrated. Double check everything which hasn’t been signed off yet, just in case there are more oversights. They are likely to want to do more visits now. Check the ventilation requirement above the rafters if not having a warm roof and watch out you keep within PD roof height. If you decide to add insulated plasterboard below, ensure there will be enough headroom. What a pain. Not your fault as such, but is your responsibility, I hope you can find a compromise with the builder, as he will argue you didn’t provide construction drawings.
  15. You/your architect will need to engage a structural engineer and have trial pits anyway. You could also weigh up going for planning to demolish and replace making the sustainability argument as you have the class Q to fall back on. Single story with underpinning can be expensive, if you are lucky the foundations will be adequate. If SUDS/bats/archeology /highways can all be avoided with class Q compared to planning permission, you save a heap of headaches and surveys. Conversions also seem to be more lenient with some of the building regs too because of the compromises. All the best.
  16. Oh dear, maybe he is hoping for a higher offer...
  17. Why not just pay him to leave? No hassle and gives him a deposit for a new place? I've done it, it was worth it. Everybody wins except the lawyers.
  18. Gosh I've lived in houses where every wall is out... does it look wrong, ie is it noticeable or can you distract the eye with pictures etc? Assuming all is ok underneath, with the correct insulation etc? That would bother me more...
  19. I'd be trying to get it done now in the dry weather on clay. Our place went like the Somme because the lads wouldn't believe me and left it too late.
  20. It might be wise in that case not to do anything which you assume to be under PD Rights, in case someone challenges it and opens up the other can of worms? I've heard it recommended to apply for a Certificate of lawfulness to confirm you don't need planning. If you need a piled solution you would need BC I think.
  21. Hello. Is there a possibility that you could part complete so that you can live on site more cheaply, and build the rest slowly?
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