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Everything posted by GrantMcscott

  1. it is a waste for water filtration when it does its regeneration
  2. Hi Looking for a spigot to connect waste pipe to standard garden host. I saw the attached photo and not sure if this is a special T and a certain spigot used or just washing machine fitting
  3. go above it to throw the water away from the wall and from seeping behind the cladding (like a flashing),
  4. Hi I am looking for something to go onto of stone cladding before rendered above so it looks good and the rain water comes off. thanks
  5. Hi I asked K-Rend and sent them pictures and they said it will be fine
  6. My house is due to get rendered in the summer and the wall have been up for a few years. I have noticed in some places that the motar has started to fret. If you run a trowel along it it will dig in about 20mm Is it OK to render over it or will it need repointing first as it will be a big job and do not want to delay getting it rendered. We will be using K Rend
  7. Hi I have one south facing roof and 1 west facing roof and i am looking to have 10 soler panels on each in total 8.3 KW I have an EV charger at home for my car and a ASHP. I currently have a smart meter but it does not work due to it not able to conect to the DCC. I am thinking about putting in about 20 KW oif battery storage but not sure what size invertor. One quot states 3.6KW invertor and no need to fill in the G99 but I am not at risk of to much clipping and only being able to get generated electirc in the house 3.6KWh thus the car charging would take half the power from the grid not the battery. or have i got it wrong in some way? Live in Scotland also KA18 Thanks
  8. I live in a valley and most likly will not see the turbines so and 2 km away so would it matter about noise? We are also upwind of the turbines. yes that is what I am deciding if I am going to be finacially involved as it is not a lot of money
  9. they are also putting in 400 acreas of solar near me
  10. Hi A company is loking to put windturbines about 2KM away from my property and has started to draw up a contract with me. One of the statments they are asking for me to agree to is the following Non-interference -The Householders will acknowledge and agree that they are financially involved in the Energy Project for the purposes of the ETSU Noise Guidance. Not sure what it means can anyone help? thanks
  11. Good point, will have a look at the post
  12. It will not let me turn it off unless I go in to factory settings and then can disable it. If I disable it what about legionnaires.
  13. I am putting my hearth in and to is 1800mm x 600mm x 20mm it is raise of the ground by 45mm so there is a space below it. The company that supplied it have stated that I need to bed it on cement but I thought it would be strong enough with out doing this and just setting it in. There is a support underneath where the pink line is in pic
  14. so should I switch it off then?
  15. Hi I notice that my heat pump has Electric (Fast) Heating turned on. The instruction manually is not clear it just stats turn on if needed. Should it be off or on? Thanks
  16. Hi I never got this resolved and have had no insurance for nearly a year now
  17. that is what building control states but that will look very nice so we are thinking 500mm to 60mm from the wall
  18. Hi Looking for a seemless finish around fire looking for advise on how to finish as concered if we tape the corners that the Knauf Fill and Finish will just crack and fall off and the tape has paper in it. One image is what it looks like now and the other is what we want
  19. Hi trying to decide on the right size of hearth from the wall for opening of 760 mm, I understand what building regulations say this is more what looks right. I have drawn a hearth on the floor which is 1400mm x 450mm and one at 1400mm x 500mm but not sure about it. What has othere people went for as i see some hearth advertised at 600mm deep. Also what have you used for the hearth I need somthing robust as concenrned people will drag things accross it even if they are told not to.
  20. Hi looking for a supplier of Aluminium external window cills but only need 4 for the part of the building I need cladded. Anyone know of a reliable supplier?
  21. Hi Does it give it a glossy sheen?
  22. Hi I am using British Larch Cladding and would like to try and keep the redness of it. What can I use to treat it that will enhance the colout and make it glossy looking? thanks
  23. Thanks could not get a part board had to buy full length of 5m but can use it in other places
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