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  1. It will be floated on a membrane, actually considering diagonal across the room into the hall. The room is roughly 7m x 6m but the hall lines up in the middle of the 7m side we either have short lengths width ways in hall or long lengths hall is 19m so difficult for expansion ie 6m + 19m through door way wall to wall. Haven’t seen it done often but diagonal gives a nice dimension in room and breaks hall up. longest length would be just over 9m in room and 6m room through door into hall. A bit tricky to start but once a few down can’t see too many problems as very square room. Hope that makes sense.
  2. The OP is laying herringbone are yours also herringbone or if not what’s the longest continuous length you have as I have similar to plan out.
  3. Following the private pre planning we thought we had a good chance of the knock down as there wasn’t that much worth saving but we’re also in the fields of a listed building but outside it’s curtilage. By going full plans the council would see all the detail of what we were wanting to do whilst it not effecting the listed property in any way if felt better to be clear with our intention and from a distance it won’t look much different in size and wood clad to how it was as a barn. As for your water we also had troughs in the field connected back to the main barn but you will still need a completely new connection from the mains. I can pm the planner details tomorrow he was based in St Austell I think, he also writes in one of the monthly magazines on home building. The barn was 7m x 18m we changed the 7m to 8m. can you extend onto any hard standing area rather than field that’s what we did so the field around can still be cut for haylage.
  4. We had a similar shed, an old bullock shed, mostly wooden one side tin clad and half height old concrete blocks, only dated from the 70’s though. we are also in a village and like you it’s split with us in the half not AONB, this was just noted in the application. we got independent pre planning advice and discovered it could be argued we were within the village by drawing a straight line between existing nearby properties. We decided to go full plans, not part q, as the planners get to see the intended build rather than outline P. We kept the original size plus 1 metre, and single story so not too dissimilar to existing. CIL only counts on the 1 metre extra so that’s only a few hundred pounds I think but could depend on county rules. Is the bridleway a public right of way that could be problematic. can you get the services to the shed? good luck, somebody we add to this there are a few on here who have more knowledge on part Q.
  5. Hi, was that the local council BR dept or local private firm? can’t see what the problem is, you can do your own planning and building regs, you might need a SE for some parts or some figures for the roof etc. Part O has a spreadsheet available and that’s ok, once you get into it. Once BR are approved then start building. If you need a mortgage and/or a warranty then it’s these insurers who might want more details but it’s still all possible.
  6. A separate thought for you is that if you need a lot of outside taps is that because you will need a lot of water e.g. gardening and hot tubs. If you tee of after the meter before you enter the house you could have a separate meter for water used and not disposed down the drain. My water board gave me the meter free if I dug the hole. I think despite all my water saving the outdoor taps still save me money.
  7. 100k suggests your paying for the whole upgrade. ask them why the increase from 12k
  8. It really should not be that much you only pay for your part of the upgrade not the village or street as per the link from garrymartin.
  9. Even if you worked out the size and garage purchase you may end up devaluing your own house. kids next door in own house also means doubling up all household standing charges. would you still end washing and cleaning for them, leaving home should be a bit further away in my opinion.
  10. Have you had it confirmed by your supplier that you can not get a smart meter. It does not require 4g it is data only and they can check the map for your area to find out the chances of getting one. Your home will also effect it eg thick stone walls. Can you switch off 4g on your phone and still get 1 bar of signal when standing by your existing meter. I have just got my smart meter, I’ve had problems because I’m 3 phase on economy 7 with the old teleswitch. I complained a lot and eventually they agreed to bring a new meter and fit it and see if it will stay smart. The engineer was great, he set some of it up outside where he had a good signal then continued the set up inside it’s been working 2 weeks so hopefully ok. I would certainly try one even if doesn’t stay smart at least you have tried. Be persistent with your complaints.
  11. Welcome to the forum. You can learn a lot on here and help others. Can you drive around area to get ideas or are you too rural. planning applications are easy to search by postcode at Cornwall gov website. if your not listed, in a oanb or conservation area that makes things easier.
  12. If your thinking of a new electrician then use this https://niceic.com/find-a-tradesperson/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw57exBhAsEiwAaIxaZll6AVV04VztOTTJQfczT8BO4CBYuAh4_aTWx4D1Hui2-Vc7d8WicRoCLZwQAvD_BwE you would be best with someone approved not just domestic as they are more likely to understand 3 phase, I’m not sure yours does. Explain your a new build as it will make a difference. We are approved and only work in commercial and industrial we don’t do domestic as too many times the electrician is called in after plastering or we are told can we do it without making a mess. Luckily we’re based in Trafford Park Manchester so can still pick and choose our jobs. Depending on your area an approved contractor who also says domestic next to the search results is your ideal contact. if the annexe is virtually self contained ie own kitchen, washing, lounge etc then think of it more like a small house on its own phase. If you only have one meter the solar can reduce the metered units for everyone as they are all set for net metering. also worth considering a time of use meter e.g. economy 7 not sure about the wait time for these meter installs (3 phase economy 7) our was more complex and took a long time, due to lack of competent installers at EDF.
  13. Our house has lpg boiler for hot water and some radiators and electric storage heaters having two forms of heating is a penalty for the EPC but not much we can do about it, we’re off the gas grid in a listed property and the didn’t want us digging up too much. we’re an E but because we are so bad and off gas grid and low income (they discount savings) we might be getting a grant for some upgrades better storage heaters and solar hopefully.
  14. That’s quite a bit of progress despite everything you have gone through. 👍
  15. I have recently noticed the hedgehogs are waking up can you put a camera up too check who the culprit is? Hedgehog poop is smaller and dogs don’t bother with it as much. if you have recently cut your grass that’s easier for them to walk/crawl on. We a field which we cut paths in for us that the hogs also use the foxes keep off the paths. hope some one comes a long soon with a solution as foxes are not nice to have that close to home.
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