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Breaking up and Building up



I just noticed that my last entry was 1st June and now it's mid August.


Where does the time go.


Once again we've lost time on the build, HID did too much breaking and hurt his back and we got a new puppy who is a huge time waster.  Although I WFH I also have to visit clients so quite a bit of puppy sitting going on.



Then there has been the weather, total opposite of last year.


So, down to what has been done.

The first main wall is now up to lintel level.

First all the door frames



then the inside skin



This one has the external wall on one part and the insulation so is covered.

HID has found fixing the string levels tricky, hence some of the early blocks are not totally level, but improving as he goes through.





We have also been breaking up the floor of the hall & snug to be



Layer 1 already gone, now layers 2, 3 & 4 to break and clear as well as knocking down the 2 internal walls that are not in the right place being corridors to feed the pigs.

Also lots of drain pipes and heavy duty foundation concrete.



getting there






and digging on the other side to start prepping for under pinning, the current foundations are 200mm

They need to be min of 500 and possibly deeper, until we get to good ground as agreed by BC

The nearest soil is definitely showing hints of clay.

of course we have an issue though, if you look just above puppy, you can see the drain culvert, totally buried in concrete.

We knew that there was a drain, but how deep is it and how much effort to dig out



The other necessary task was clearing the space for the water pipe trench.

After booking the water they came and inspected and showed us where it joins us.  That turns out to be behind the long shed so we had to clear.

Not as bad as ScottishJohn, but a small area similar that I can't find the photo of, but completely covered in brambles and a sloping bank dug out to be level enough for trench digging.


Anyway this is the after



the pile of bricks turned out to be an old culvert, we dug out brick by brick to 1m then just decided not to go any further.

It was solid laid bricks about 1m square, so not a well as solid and not foundation as nothing there, but laid properly so must have been for something.

The sheds on the right are storage from the last 20 years and will need to go as that will be our driveway as we don't want to share the existing one .


We are holding off digging the trench until we get and answer from OpenReach about their ducting as we want to lay that and both water pipes in one trench.

NSW water are happy to see photos of trench and pipe and they realised that digging all 120m trench will probably collapse.


When you note what you've done in a 2 month period it has changed, but it's not much for that length of time.


If it does continue at that rate then I reckon about another 4 years 🙂


Thanks for reading.






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That's not bad blockwork for an amateur. Line pins ( footprint) and corner blocks are your friend. Not expensive but essential.

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looks like you have a nice project on your hands.


im a very amateur bricky and i built a 'gauging stick' by literally drawing pencil lines on a length of timber at each course height, which i then use when building corners to ensure my gauging is correct. 

Build the corners up first as you go along and string stretched between line blocks. if its a long run use a twig/tingle to support it in the centre. or tear off a strip of cement bag and fold it over the line and plonk a brick ontop. 

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