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2: Site Clearance



As part of the agreement for buying the plot the previous owner agreed to clear the plot of the 2 mounds of earth.


In April 2018 The site was cleared by the previous owner. 


We had to arrange a tree surgeon to fell the 3 trees.











The tree surgeon cut the trees into manageable logs, these were easy to get rid of, to various friends.


I thought the best way to get rid of the remaining branches and shrubs would be to chip them, I left them to dry out between April and July as chippers don't like greenery.


I hired a Timber wolf chipper (£150 for the weekend including delivery, fuel and PPE), it should handle 5" diameter branches. 


The chipping was slow going as all the branches had to be stripped basically to straight poles, otherwise the chipper would jam or get blocked/bunged up. We filled about 1/2 the box trailer with chippings but then the chipper started to play up, so we put the reaming branches to the local skip.











Ready for the site scrape :) 







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Must be exciting to finally start! How come there was plot available on its own seemingly surrounded by developer built houses? 

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It is very exciting after what has seemed like a long time getting the planning and mortgage arranged. 


When the NHS sold the site back in 2006 1 developer bought most of the site, however somehow another developer was able to buy the land that my plot and the cottage next to mine is on. Since then they had my plot for sale and the cottage next door but no one bought them.


I think if they had cleared the site it would have sold sooner.


What's nice as well is that someone else is now buying the old cottage next to our plot. He is going to start refurbishing it next month.

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As I have said before you will look back with pride one day when you see all the hard work you have done to build the house of your dreams. Happy building!! ( Don't mention windows!)

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@Pete currently I am glad that the windows have a 12 week lead time because they are what is going to delay us getting wind and water tight. The timber frame kit was going to be up 2 - 3 weeks before the windows arrive. However I have since changed the first floor layout which is now delaying the timber frame. We should get wind and water tight on the same date but it helps me justify to the wife that the first floor changes aren't delaying the build.


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When we had to check over our timber frame drawings it was like doing a spot the difference puzzle without knowing how many spot the differences there were!! We checked it and checked it and still had some minor errors but missed the main one which was a structural corner post which was designed out  by the timber frame manufacturer but left on the drawings sent to the window manufacturer so that created one of the problems we have had with the delay of our window installation. The missing window is hopefully arriving today so we may get the installation finished soon!! 

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