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A long long time ago...



So it's been months since I've updated this blog. This is because things have just been so hectic. These last few months, and probably for the next 12 at least, my life consists of going to work, coming home and working on the house then going to bed - then going to work... and repeat. Pretty much everything else has come to a halt. Very few social calls and even my hair isn't getting cut as often! :D


Masses has happened, but hopefully I'll get time to write it up one day.


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I've decided to start shooting video as an easy way and less time consuming (I think). 

Edited by curlewhouse
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These last few months, and probably for the next 12 at least, my life consists of going to work, coming home and working on the house then going to bed - then going to work... and repeat. Pretty much everything else has come to a halt. Very few social calls and even my hair isn't getting cut as often! :D. #metoo! Lol. I'm with you brother! I'm now not working either so at house practically every day now! Two bedrooms (plaster and paint) and 2.5 bathrooms to go, something I'll be pestering @Nickfromwalesabout soon when I can face it! 

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TIP (please don't take it as a criticism)


Most computer screens are lansdcape orientation, so turn the phone on it's side next time. 9_9

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